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Four’s A Party

School passed Darcy by in a blur as he waited for the next weekend outing with Luca. He didn’t get into any trouble, but he could also admit he didn’t pay a great deal of attention to most of his lessons. Dark golden eyes reflected back at him in a dressing room mirror had his heart pounding at random inopportune moments.

By Thursday, he had to give himself a pep talk in the bathroom mirror about staying on track with his classes. He couldn’t disappear into his pack with poor grades, he needed his diploma. Whether he went ahead with that plan or not, he needed his options open.

That lunchtime, his cause for distraction appeared at his back as he dug through his locker. Luca  clapped his hands to the metal above his head playfully and he jumped in his skin.

“Luca!” he scolded loudly. He shook his head but couldn’t keep a small smile from his lips. Luca chuckled above him. He shut and locked the locker door before turning around. Whatever he had been about to say to him fizzled out on his tongue as he caught sight of their surroundings.

Every dominant in the vicinity had snapped their heads round to them, watching them with sudden, intense interest. Darcy faltered for a moment, confused at the tsunami of attention. It seemed they were waiting for something.

A spark ran through him. His title. When had he stopped using Luca’s title when addressing him publicly? When had he started using his name in public at all? When Luca bullied him, he had never addressed him in any way - all the better to ignore him. He had no way to explain himself either. Formalities were dropped between friends, people you were close with. He couldn’t say they were close, and he certainly couldn’t say they were friends. Even then, if you weren’t at least sibling-equivalent to someone with a title, you’d still use it publicly out of respect. Darcy wasn’t sure when things had changed. He hoped at least that Luca had been the one to speak informally to him first, since he had a title, too. Although, when he was his bully, Luca used ‘omega’ like it was a derogative term.

“What’re you looking at?” Luca barked, although his cheerful expression was cemented in place. It was scarier than his angry face when it was stuck like that.

The dominants shrugged and looked around. Waiting for someone with seniority of Beta or above to say something. It was Luca, or a fellow titled dominant, that had the responsibility of saying something in these situations. Wolves called each other how they wished in private, but open flaunting of disrespectful speech needed to be corrected. Darcy watched Luca nervously.

Luca continued with just as much ferocity, “If anyone has a problem with how my mate addresses me, they’re welcome to say so now or mind their own fucking business for the rest of their lives.”

Burning heat tickled Darcy’s cheeks and ears. A soul-mate could address their partner in any way they felt. And his mate had just publicly claimed him. There was no way Luca could be certain Darcy was his, but he announced it anyway. An innocent part of Darcy wondered if he had accidentally convinced him, that MYSTIKA was the seed, but he had fallen for Darcy all by himself.

Darcy shrugged his backpack on and did his best to avoid the open-mouthed stares of every person around them. Luca’s body heat and fresh forest scent comforted him from the scrutiny of twenty pairs of eyes.

Omega Darcy,” Luca said, exaggerating the word ‘omega’ loudly as though it were a grand honour. He popped his elbow out to him, offering his arm gentlemanly. “Would you be so kind as to join me for lunch?”

Darcy followed his lead, acting out their silly play for the hallway audience.

“Well, Beta Luca.” He accepted his arm, wrapping his small hands around it and almost hanging off him. “I think I can squeeze you into my very busy schedule,” he replied, barely suppressing a laugh.

“You are too kind, Omega.”

“Not that kind, Beta. You’re paying.”

He laughed loudly and lead them to the cafeteria. The eyes on their backs pressed in on him until they rounded the corner of the hallway. A whole new audience was waiting for them in the cafeteria, although most had the grace to sneak glances at the odd couple while they queued for food.

Melody and Reece had a table snagged when they made it out, with Luca carrying their tray. Melody waved to Darcy excitedly, while Reece glowered in Luca’s direction. They approached slowly, and Luca placed the tray onto the end of the table. Darcy slid onto the bench first and Luca followed, despite Reece’s hostile body language.

“Beta Luca, how nice to see you again,” Melody greeted, only slightly awkwardly.

Reece said nothing.

“Nice to see you, too, Melody. How’re you keeping, Reece?”

Reece gave him a once over with his eyes and returned them to his lunch.

“Don’t mind him, he’s a little grouchy,” Melody excused. “But with just one more day till the weekend, you can never stay sour for long!”

“True,” Darcy agreed. “Got any fun plans?”

Melody’s expression flat-lined and she stared at Darcy for a few seconds. “We’re going outfit shopping, Darcy. For Beta Luca’s birthday.”

“Shit!” Darcy exclaimed.

“Looks like we’re double booked,” said Luca.

“I thought you two went shopping last weekend?”

“We did.” Darcy swallowed. “I got… tired so we decided to come back this weekend.”

“Why don’t we go together, then?” said Melody.

Reece shot Melody eye-daggers, but she ignored him.

“You’re Ashen Fur, right?” Luca asked. Melody nodded for them both. “I can pick you up on my way to get Darcy.”

Melody beamed. “That would be great! Thank you!”

Reece appeared nauseas. Melody didn’t notice, swept up in timing arrangements with Luca. Darcy gave him a weak smile that he didn’t return. He said nothing for the rest of lunch.

Come Saturday, Reece had yet to say a word to Darcy regarding Luca, the party, or their shopping trip. He was worried about him, keeping your emotions locked up inside wasn’t healthy. But then, he was one to talk, having kept his soul-mate a secret from them for months.

Luca’s car was waiting for him just outside his pack grounds. Melody and Reece were sat in the back, and Luca pushed open the passenger door for him as he approached. The journey into town was filled with Melody’s chatter and Darcy’s responses to the wild things his friend would occasionally say.

They started with the shop where Darcy had chosen his swimsuit, since it seemed to already cater to his body type. Melody almost had a heart attack when she saw the first few price tags, but Darcy caught Luca leaning down to quietly assure his friend that he would be paying for all their outfits. Melody’s aura brightened to that of a small sun at his words. Reece trailed along behind the group, uninterested in anything they held up for him.

Darcy’s outfit was prioritised, with Melody snatching up hanger after hanger of ostentatious formal-wear for him to try. Very little of what Melody picked out was anywhere near Darcy’s plans for a simple shirt and knee-length shorts in a bright colour. He let his friend run wild, though, it seemed to make her happy to play dress-up with him.

With overflowing arms, Melody marched them to the changing rooms to do the first round of try-ons. Reece and Luca were left to wait on the cube-shaped velvet chairs on the opposite side of the heavy curtain.

Of course, it was Melody’s choice what he tried on first. She held up multiple dress shirts to the mirror, comparing the colours and fabrics, while Darcy slipped out of his jeans and t-shirt. Melody settled on a pastel pink silk shirt with sleeves that poofed out like flower petals. It definitely wasn’t pool-appropriate, but it would be fun to flounce around in front of the mirror in. Darcy slipped into the armholes as Melody held open the shirt for him, and allowed his friend to drag it up and faff with the frilly layers. She buttoned it up from behind with her arms around Darcy’s chest.

Melody froze mid-button. Darcy tilted his head and gave his friend’s reflection a curious look.


She clapped a hand over Darcy’s mouth and gave him a warning stare in the mirror. She jerked her head in the direction of the curtain and Darcy realised he could hear a quiet conversation taking place just outside. He nodded his understanding and Melody let go of his face. They crept closer to the curtain, listening intently.

“-and you think you can bury your bad behaviour under gifts and presents?” Reece hissed.

“That’s not what this is,” Luca growled back, just as quietly. “He needed an outfit for the party.”

“You don’t like the clothes he has? You’re so fat-headed. Why should he have to change for you?”

“He’s not changing anything, he can pick whatever he wants! He was the one that said he had nothing to wear. I just want him to feel comfortable at the party.”

“There is nothing that makes him feel more uncomfortable than you,” Reece seethed. “You’ve pushed him around, and put him down, and treated him like something stuck to the bottom of your shoe. And now you want him to play dress-up for your family and friends? Play the role of dutiful omega mate? Obedient and submissive to you?”

“You’re way out of line.”

“You’ve been out of line for years, wank-wad!”

For a few moments, all the pair could hear was the heavy breathing of the boys outside.

“You’re not wrong, but it’s not your place to say it.” Luca’s voice deepened and roughened. “I’m a beta, you don’t talk to me like that.”

Darcy had heard quite enough.


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