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Outside of the store, sporting matching carrier bags, they smiled at each other. Darcy was exhausted, but she didn’t want to show it. Her legs and fingers were still shaking. She hid her curled hands in her sweatshirt sleeves.

“Are you okay?” Of course Luna noticed.

“Yeah, just…” She shrugged. She didn’t know how to put into polite words that she’d just experienced an orgasm that literally stole all of her energy. And even if she did know how to say it in a way that wasn’t crude, she still wouldn’t. Luna’s ego was big enough already. “Tired,” she finished lamely.

“Was it too much?” Luna murmured. Her voice was husky.

Darcy blushed, nothing new for the day she’d had. It was just touching, she reminded herself, lots of couples did it. Especially soul-mates. Luna’s touch was always more intense than anyone else’s, though. It lit fire under her skin.

“Did you not like it?”

Her second question almost tripped Darcy into the road.

“I did,” she whispered, but refused to meet her eyes. “Did you like it?” she asked awkwardly.

Luna chuckled into the top of her head. “Of course. I was this close-” She pinched Darcy’s cheek between two fingers. “-to licking you clean.”

The memory of Luna leaning over her, licking her lips, flashed into her mind.

“Luna!” she scolded, although she kept her voice down. Luna laughed again and released her cheek. She nodded down the street and lead them along it, following the bustling crowds. Darcy kept tucked in close next to her as they joined the flow of foot traffic.

“Let’s get something to eat and then I’ll drop you home,” she suggested with a gentle tone.

“Oh, thank you.” Darcy did her best not to sound disappointed. They were supposed to find her a dress for the party as well. She was very grateful for her swimsuits, though. They were both more expensive than any single item in her wardrobe at home.

“And then next weekend, we can come back for round two!”

“Round two?” she repeated.

“Your party outfit, something to wear over your bikini when you’re not tearing up the pool.”

“Tearing up the pool?” She laughed into her sweatshirt cuff a bit too hard. “Luna, I can barely swim!”

Luna gave her a concerned look. “You can’t swim?”

“I can, as long as I don’t need to get anywhere quickly.”

Luna grinned wildly. “I’ll be your personal lifeguard,” she promised. One hand wound around her waist and pulled her closer against her.

Darcy raised her plastic bag to her chest like a shield. “I won’t drown!” she argued. “Maybe just embarrass myself trying to get from one end to the other without pausing for breaks.”

“Who said anything about drowning? I just want an excuse to give you mouth-to-mouth.”

Darcy huffed and rolled her eyes. “When have you ever needed an excuse?”

“True.” Luna dipped her head and stole a kiss right from her lips before she had time to stop walking. Her feet fumbled on the paving stones, but Luna’s arm around her refused to let her fall. Darcy dropped her eyes to the ground, embarrassed.

She felt light-headed again. The afterglow, the weariness of traipsing around stores, the sudden kiss melting her mind. It was all too much for a little omega to handle in one day.

They reached an open courtyard area filled with restaurants. Luna lead them to a wooden bench and stopped abruptly. Darcy watched her curiously, she had thought they were going into one of the eateries.

“Why don’t I grab you a sugary drink while you work out where you want to go for some real food?” Luna said quietly. Her eyes were filled with concern for her, it made her insides feel gooey. “You look like you need a hit of sugar faster than a waiter will bring it.”

“Please,” Darcy whispered and dropped onto the bench with an ‘oof’ sound.

Luna nodded and propped up the matching bags at her feet.

“Any flavour request?”

Darcy shook her head.

“Okay, wait here and don’t go wandering off.” Luna winked but turned away too fast for Darcy to react. Not that her reaction was anything more than a flushed face and a few dumb blinks.

Luna jogged to the food van with the smallest queue. Darcy watched her intently. She was just standing in wait, then ordering, then paying, but everything about her drew her eyes. Her powerful stance, her gorgeous body that had been wrapped around her in the changing room, her easy expressions as she made small talk with the man in the van. Luna thanked him and took the bottled drink from the counter.

She had taken only a step away from the van when a pair of familiar girls skittered towards her with their arms looped together. Darcy’s eye twitched at the sight of Jessica. They began chattering to her, even as she was inching her way back towards Darcy. Apparently humans were just as bad at reading wolf body language as Darcy was.

If she strained, and the pigeons kept it down, she could just about hear them.

“-was wondering if you wanted to go out for a coffee?”

“No, thanks,” Luna answered without a beat of hesitation. “I already have a girlfriend.”

Darcy’s cheeks burned. Girlfriends or boyfriends or any partner outside of soul-mates weren’t something wolves typically indulged in, but she enjoyed the momentary possessiveness she felt when she called her by the title.

Jessica tittered and rolled her eyes seductively. “I don’t see her,” she said.

Luna raised a sharp brow. “You need contacts or something?” she snapped. “She’s right there.” Their eyes followed the length of her finger, pointed straight at Darcy’s face. Darcy pretended to be oblivious to the conversation and let her eyes glaze over as she looked over the crowds. She did her best to appear sophisticated with her pretty posture and tucked ankles.

“Don’t you think you could do a bit better than that?” Jessica sneered. “I’ve eaten chicken nuggets bigger than her.”

Darcy felt her face twitch.

“First of all, you have no idea how many times she’s rejected me,” Luna announced, almost proudly. Darcy wanted to roll her eyes at her, but she continued to stare out imperviously. “Secondly, she’s so beautiful that sometimes it hurts me in my soul to look at her, and we’ve already established that you’re blind as a bat, so why would I take your advice on appearances?” Darcy fought a wave of childish giggles. “Thirdly, I don’t think that was chicken in those nuggets.” A snort finally burst free and she hurriedly covered the bottom half of her face with her hand. There was no point pretending any more, so she let her eyes roam back to the trio.

Jessica was squinting up at her angrily. “I bet your girlfriend tells you you’re funny, but-”

“No, she tells me I’m a deeply disturbed individual that should stop carrying chloroform rags in my pockets.”


“Hey.” Luna began digging in one of her pockets with her free hand. “Wanna smell something fun real quick?”

The girls scarpered, shoes skidding on the pavement as they tore into an enormous department store. Darcy watched Luna laugh to herself, then send a wink her way.

Darcy shook her head in a silent scolding once she was close enough to hand over the cool drink.

After a long, refreshing sip, she asked, “What would you have done if she took you up on your offer to ‘smell something fun’?”

“Shoved my fingers under her nose, probably,” Luna answered, far too readily. “Not that her human nose would be able to pick up your scent on them.” Her eyes pointed not-so-subtly to Darcy’s crotch and she squeezed her thighs instinctively.

“Even more reason to find somewhere to eat - you need to wash your hands,” Darcy grumbled. Her reflex to Luna’s flirtatious behaviour seemed to always be behaving grumpily or reproachfully. It was almost unintentional.

“It’s your choice, babe.”

She chose completely at random, flustered with the sudden decision. She should have been perusing the restaurant signs while Luna was buying the drink, but she just couldn’t drag her eyes from her. Luna doing anything was more interesting to watch.

They ended up in a small Japanese restaurant where they shared a plethora of small plates. A relief to Darcy who could never match Luna’s bottomless stomach. It was a lovely meal, and Luna managed to last an entire hour without any innuendos. They talked about normal things like school, and their friends, and Luna even told her a little bit about her role as a beta within her pack. It would all be changing for both of them come the summer. As soon as they were finished with high school, they would both be starting their pre-determined careers, known from birth.

For Luna, a leadership role, just one step down from her newly-appointed alpha.

For Darcy, an assistant position, working alongside her alpha. Who her alpha would be come the summer was something she didn’t want to think about, though. If things kept racing forward the way they were, it could be Luna’s alpha instead of Marshall’s father.

The car ride home was quiet. Darcy had been left with a lot to think about. Plus, her weariness paired with a full stomach was making her doubly sleepy. Luna didn’t seem to mind, she traced soothing circles onto her thigh with one hand as she drove and checked in on how she was feeling every so often. Darcy always said she was fine.

For now, she was. It was the future Darcy she was worrying for.


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