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Happy Friday precious patrons!

This is a little sappy message of gratitude to you all as I took my first Patreon payout this week. I spent it all on a Christmas present for my baby sister, one I could not have afforded otherwise - a Nintendo Switch Lite! I don't talk publicly about my family usually, but there is a big divide within it, and my baby sister is stuck on the other side. I get to see her in person once every few years and she is my entire world. Being able to buy her something that we can use to play together, despite being on opposite ends of the country, means so much to me I could burst 💛 She doesn't get spoiled by anyone, and is left to take of herself far too often for her young age. Sending her presents is my only way of being able to make things easier for her, until she is old enough to leave. You all made it possible for me to gift her the best present yet, and I am so incredibly grateful 💌

When I started this Patreon in October, my HUGE IMPOSSIBLE GOAL was to have 10 patrons by 2022. Coming in to December with more than double that has meant so much to me, and brought so much writing inspiration as I keep you all in mind whenever I hit a slow patch. Thank you for being here 🤗

In short - you guys rock, I'm super excited for all the new EA content coming up, and I am sending air kisses from London, feel free to catch them in jars and use them for decoration 😘😘😘



Thank you tweet link: https://twitter.com/LaDeeDa66962526/status/1469417774971858963

