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PDA Level 4 - Hand-job

“If you don’t get started we’re never going to work out what this curse is capable of,” Lawrence scolded lightly.

Theo replied, “I prefer a hands-on approach to learning.” His grin was salacious even if there was frustration hidden in his eyes. Lawrence knew Theo wanted to be following leads outside of the council, but if there was anything in these stacks of dusty books that could give them even a tiny advantage, they needed it.

“You could put your hands on these books,” he said tiredly.

They were sat side-by-side at one of the long wooden tables within the library. Lily and Beth were investigating some runes, with David playing tag-along as always. He had his boyfriend all to himself, which didn’t happen often when sharing a home with so many others, but the curse came first. They had a duty to do their best in the fight against the underworld.

The volume of Theo’s voice dropped to barely a whisper. “Or I could put my hands on you.”

Lawrence froze in his seat. He was not serious. He couldn’t be. They had important work to do. His shock dispersed after a few seconds and he simply shook his head at his boyfriend, accompanying the shake with an eye-roll. He pulled the large tome in front of him closer and did his best to concentrate.

He got two pages in before he heard the scrape of Theo’s chair inching closer to his own. Lawrence debated giving him a serious look, but decided that would only encourage the blond if he got a reaction. He continued scanning the pages open in front of him for keywords that would help him in his quest. Their quest.

A hand ghosted over Lawrence’s thigh. His eyes paused on the line he was reading but he refused to look up. The hand crept to his crotch just as Theo’s other arm wrapped itself around his shoulders, trapping him in place.

“Theo,” Lawrence said, with a stern warning coating his boyfriend’s name.

“Lawrence.” His voice was like syrup, sliding down Lawrence’s neck.

The hand stroked over his jeans, sending tickling shots of pleasure through his groin. Lawrence gritted his teeth and bowed his head a little but it didn’t stop his body beginning to react. When he felt his cock begin to stir, he jerked his knees together, but Theo’s fingers were already rubbing him more thoroughly as they began to work at his zipper.

Lawrence breathed, “We have a duty.” Although he made no move to halt his boyfriend’s wandering hands.

“We have needs, too,” Theo groaned in his ear.

Lawrence swallowed and looked away. His face felt furnace hot. “Someone could come in-”

The hand grazed over his underwear and a tiny tremble ran through his thighs.

“They’re all busy working on cracking this curse,” Theo replied nonchalantly. He pulled down the waistband of Lawrence’s underwear and took his hardening dick into his palm gently.

“That’s what we should be doing,” Lawrence protested.

The hand squeezed him in an upwards pull that had his own hands scrabbling at his seat. He gripped the chair beneath him desperately. A short gasp fell out of him when Theo’s thumb rubbed over his slit.

Theo leant in, pressing their cheeks together, and cooed, “We deserve a break.”

“We haven’t even started,” Lawrence reminded him, his voice shook despite his best efforts to not let Theo see how affected he was. He suddenly couldn’t remember the last time he had come. It felt like forever ago with Theo’s gentle pulls dragging him to the edge.

The strokes got firmer and Lawrence dug his heels into the ground to keep his legs from shaking. He moaned behind tight lips and squeezed his eyes shut. Theo would be the death of him one day.

His hips began to roll involuntarily, giving in to the pleasure against his will. His breaths were coming out in short puffs. Theo chuckled into the skin of his neck and Lawrence groaned back.

A small noise in the hallway caught his attention. His eyes snapped open. He twisted his neck to peer at the large, ornate doors of the library, but they remained closed. He could have sworn he had heard someone outside. He couldn’t bear the thought of getting caught desecrating The council’s library. He may never recover from the shame. It would be terminal.

Theo had no such qualms. He continued to jerk his hand, bouncing it in and out of view from the tabletop. Lawrence’s ears strained as he desperately listened for any further disturbances, while simultaneously fighting the orgasm he was teetering on the edge of.

“Theo!” Lawrence hissed.

“Hmm?” Theo responded, a wild grin tugging at his mouth.

“I think I heard something,” Lawrence warned him.

“Oh no, how awful,” Theo drawled. His hand sped up.

“Theo!” Lawrence gasped.

Theo dragged his teeth along Lawrence’s neck, nipping as he went. “That’s right, just keep saying my name.”

“N-no, I-” Lawrence’s vision blurred before he could finish his sentence. He gripped his chair like it was about to collapse beneath him. His toes curled in his shoes and his knees bounced against each other with the force of his thigh spasms. He came with a far-too-loud gasp, spilling over his boyfriend’s hand and the antique table in front of him. He could only thank whatever angel was watching over him that he didn’t splatter the book.

Oh, that’s right, Lawrence thought, Theo was the angel watching him. And he looked far too proud of himself.

“You are a menace,” Lawrence panted.

“And you’re a mess, babe,” Theo retorted. He licked his fingers, slowly and salaciously.

“I hope you don’t think that counts as properly washing your hands,” Lawrence scolded. He tucked himself away quickly and righted his clothes. “You’d better go clean them before touching any of the books.”

Theo paused his impressive tongue-twirling. “What if it isn’t books I want to touch?” he asked, his eyes hungry.

Lawrence sighed. On this occasion, saving the world would have to be left to the ladies because no one in their right or wrong mind could turn down Theodore.


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