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Scavenger Hunt

The warmth of oncoming summer had Darcy stripping off her cardigan and tying it around her waist. She didn’t plan to take everything off and shift, she wasn’t comfortable with that. Her mum said that was normal for her age and secondary gender. Wolves became more confident after puberty, especially those that weren’t omegas, she had told her. It didn’t make her feel much better.

Darcy didn’t like her wolf form for another reason, though. She found it so hard to communicate with other wolves in that form. Alphas and Betas just pushed everyone around and led. Those in the middle obeyed, or were able to communicate through wolf behaviours. Darcy, as an omega, only had the option of obedience. She had little to no natural instincts when it came to wolf behaviours. When was she supposed to approach, or stay back, or move her ears in a certain way? She was considering a visit to a dog park to get some tips when a thick branch snapped behind her. Too loud for a bird.

Darcy jumped, clutched her chest and turned to see who was behind her.

“Found you,” Luna chuckled.

Darcy sighed and returned to her walking path. “You’re supposed to be looking for clues, not looking for me,” she grumbled. She sounded tired even to her own ears.

“I’m always hunting you, Darcy.” Her stalker was far too cheerful, it irritated her.

“Then why are we here?” Darcy sighed again and threw her basket to the ground. “What’s the point of all this?”

“You’ve got a lot of attitude today. Is this all because I surprised you?”

Darcy snapped. She spun on her heel and yelled, “You had no right to do this!” She wanted to wave her finger in Luna’s face, but her fists were balled up so hard she couldn’t open them. “But I’m not even that mad at you.” She sounded breathless. The realisations reaching her mouth as fast as they were manifesting in her mind. “Melody and Reece are my friends. And they gave me no warning. They’ve watched you bully me from day one at this stupid school, and they didn’t give me a hint of what I was turning up to today. Not even a text!”


“At least I know to expect to be hurt by you! But them?” She sighed a third time and it turned into a frustrated groan. The thought flashed through her head that she should be charging her bully at this point. For every sigh Luna caused, she had to buy her a snack.

“It’s my faul-”

“I know!” Darcy shouted. “And you really have a talent for it. Congratulations, you’ve managed to score a combo hit on hurting me. Double the damage. I’d give you a reward, but if I had anything left you would have already ripped it from me. I can’t even have friends.”

Luna finally had the grace to look ashamed as she admitted, “I took their phones.”

“What?” Darcy breathed.

“They didn’t betray you,” she said softly. “I didn’t give them a second alone to even try and warn you. I took their phones after the plans for today were made. I also have a friend in their pack.” She fidgeted a little from foot to foot with her arms over her chest. “I just wanted to spend some time with you outside of school,” she added.

Darcy was a forgiving person, but not for her bully. “You could have asked like a sane person,” she seethed.

“Then I’d have to get your name tattooed on me-”

“We agreed on t-shirts,” Darcy reminded her.

“And there was no chance in hell you would say yes.”

“And you think this has improved your chances?” she snapped.

A quiet laugh slipped from Luna. She tried to cover it with her fist and Darcy glared at her.

“You’re a lot sassier off school grounds,” she explained. “It’s funny, in a cute way.”

“You just- I got so riled up-” Darcy’s voice faded in volume with each word, her brain was short-circuiting once again. Luna always knew how to say things that raised her body temperature. “I figured I had nothing left to lose by… yelling at you…”

Luna snatched her basket up from the ground. “Why don’t we team up for the hunt and then you can yell at me some more?”

Another sigh, much quieter this time. Darcy was tired, and hot, and had a few hours to kill.

“I might enjoy that too much,” she said.

Luna laughed again. She slid both baskets onto one arm and curled the other around Darcy’s waist.

Darcy pulled a grumpy face at her and she grinned back. Her scent was all around her, it fit perfectly with their forest surroundings. Darcy wished she could mix the two together and bottle the combination.

Luna tilted her face down towards her, their foreheads almost touching.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. She was staring so deeply into Darcy’s eyes she wanted to squeeze them shut, the intensity was too much for her fluttering heart.

She somehow found the courage to mumble back, “I don’t believe you.”

Luna barely held back another laugh and took her lips in hers. Darcy could feel her mate’s smile pressed against her. Luna kissed her gently. Darcy let her eyes close and her body relax. It was so draining to pretend she didn’t want Luna to touch and kiss every inch of her body. Her deepest, darkest craving was to attach herself to her soul-mate like a limpet and never let go. Luna pushed her lips open softly and the taste of her tongue took the strength from Darcy’s legs. A tiny moan escaped her and Luna chuckled against her mouth. Darcy flushed. Luna’s presence had an infallible affect on her blood pressure.

Luna pulled back and waved the baskets in front of her.

“Did you still want to scavenge or should we keep doing this?”

“S-scavenge,” Darcy answered. If they kept kissing she may faint. Her body was burning up. She could have fried an egg on her forehead. She turned back to the path and put a few steps between them before trying to inconspicuously fan herself with the collar of her dress.

Luna let her lead them through the forest, although Darcy hadn’t even read the initial clue and had no sense of direction. They turned back on themselves more than twice. The walk was nice, though, and  the beta didn’t seem to mind that by the time the end bell was rung they still had empty baskets.


Natalia CB

Second to last paragraph, it should be herself

Natalia CB

I noticed you accidently left a himself in there


Oh goodness! Thank you so much for spotting! ❤ I really appreciate you letting me know xx