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"M-my turn," Chloe croaked.


Tove's eyes flicked up, short strands of hair falling over her forehead that was perfectly imperfect, and grinned. The predator was going to allow her prey to play. Gripping Chloe's waist, she flipped them so fast Chloe dizzied. She rocked a little, steadying, settling her knees either side of Tove's hips, blinking the blur away. Well, not all the blur, her glasses were balanced at the edge of the sleeping space; a little fogged, no doubt.


Tove was watching her, amused, slick-lipped, slack smile teasing pointed teeth. Chloe swallowed.


Dark pink nipples coned up, begging her to acknowledge them, the way they had been since the first day they met. Look at me, touch me, suck me. Chloe had fought so hard not to stare, or fantasise or... Her fingers pinched the swollen skin just below the bud, drawing it up a little higher. She rolled her fingers back and forth, letting flesh slide through until the nipple tip was pressed between them. She tightened her grip, twisting a little and watching a deeper colour bloom. Under her, a slow out-breath lowered her slightly. She peeked up through her lashes: Tove was biting her lip, cheeks flushed. Spreading her palms over both breasts, she squeezed them, filling her hands with heat and soft, downy skin.


Chloe pushed her butt back, sliding along Tove's body without ever disconnecting, massaging her hands down from Tove’s breasts to her toned stomach, then to her firm thighs. They were strong, with no chance to be moved in a way they didn’t approve. When Chloe pressed between them they fell open like tree trunks falling.


And with only a moment’s hesitation, she got her first taste of Tove. Wet, but not sticky, warm but not unlike her own mouth’s temperature. She didn’t have Tove’s tenacity, instead she lapped carefully, lathering her tongue between pretty pink folds, tracking every moan and murmured encouragement. She liked that side more, and she really liked this spot here, and-


And Tove’s muscled thighs thumped against Chloe’s shoulders as she came, tearing up the bedding with her long-fingered hands. The gasp she let out sent a shudder through Chloe, it was primal and unabashed and in that moment she didn’t care how many other caves could hear them. She would care in the morning, when her horny-brained side had been de-throned.


Jerking upright, Tove took the underside of Chloe's knee in her grip and pulled it up, almost higher than comfortable, dragging her in closer. Her other knee was almost left behind sunken in pillows. They met at their cores, sodden and pulsing, and Chloe understood. She rolled her hips, uncertain as to any technique, only that she wanted the sopping friction of Tove's lips against her own, now.

It was already an established fact that Tove was the stronger of the two (and faster, and taller, and bolder) but the mismatch was ten times clearer as Chloe weakly humped against her, while Tove ground back in long, intentional strokes. Control and precision met mess and inexperience in the press of their pussies together. Sensation heightened, heartbeat throbbing through her clit, every brush of the swollen grooves of their vulvas was almost painful in its intensity. As they rode against one another, driving themselves and each other closer and closer to the edge, a small insignificant voice in the back of Chloe's mind began to ask whether she could actually withstand an orgasm as catastrophic as the one she could feel approaching.


Tove, brash and bold and breathless, had no such worry written across her features. She shone with sweat and scented oils, the muscles of her arms and torso contracting and releasing, and her concentration solely on dragging them both to eye-rolling ecstasy. Chloe's energy was depleted, but she was so close. She had only been doing a fraction of the work anyway, relying on Tove's hold of her knee to keep the seal between their legs. She focused all she had left into her elbows, keeping herself propped up to at least give the illusion she was an equal participant.


"You are doing so well, little witch," Tove groaned, her voice husky.


Chloe felt a new flutter run through her. She had so much to say in return, but all she managed to cry was, "Tove."


"Yesss?" Tove cooed. The concentration slipped and her grin was back in place. It perfected her face.


"I- Um-"


Too late, lightning struck and Chloe was coming again. Her arms gave out and she slumped back, squirming against Tove like she might die if she couldn't wring out every last ounce of her orgasm. It took Tove a few more seconds to follow her, holding Chloe's leg to her chest like a support beam and almost mounting her as she rode it out. This time, Chloe was able to watch her receive her pleasure. The creases in her forehead, lip caught between her teeth, and clenched jaw gave her an animalistic appearance that had Chloe's insides clenching anew.


No, her brain begged. No more. She was exhausted.


Unless Tove wanted more, then she would have to find a way to stay awake.


Released from the tension of her orgasm, Tove fell forward over Chloe. Her eyes were a little unfocused, her smile sleepy. With Chloe's face in easy kissing distance, Tove took her chance and spread exaggerated smooches over her cheeks.


"Well, my mate?'


Chloe blinked, she barely had the strength to tilt her head in question.


"Was it special?'


Despite the drained sensation spreading through her, Chloe giggled. That conversation, on the river bank, about the unspoken rules of magic folk's sex lives... seemed so silly now. And so long ago. It had only been weeks, but Chloe felt as though she had aged years since meeting Tove.


"It was wonderful," Chloe slurred. Her blinks were getting slower.


"I'm glad." Tove rearranged them in the padded dip, and cocooned them in blankets. "I will wake you up for more once you've had some rest," she promised.


Chloe tangled her legs in Tove's and let her eyes slide shut with a smile. The glow of the crystalline lines above them were just bright enough to offer a muted white light through her lids. She let the irregular, but not erratic, pulses lull her to sleep.


A shift occurred in the night. No, an avalanche. Chloe had laid her head to rest the first time the previous day on a hand-carved bed, knowing she was an outsider and a burden. Today, she ventured out of their cave and was met with warmth. Smiles. One-armed hugs and pats in passing.


Tove had woken first, kissed Chloe to consciousness, screwed her back to unconsciousness, and left to share her wonderful news with her family. Since she returned, it was clear that her family had shared the news with… everyone else.


An event-of-sorts had been planned; they were all gathered anyway since the storm was still raging and no one was permitted to venture up top in such conditions. Despite the alpha's protests at Chloe being assigned tasks to prepare her own party, she enjoyed joining in. It was much more fun to help when your offer wasn't rejected fifty percent of the time.


Kajsa sulked for the first few hours of arrangements. Tove had gone to her aunts' cave to declare the good news in person, and apparently Kajsa was uncharacteristically quiet at the news.


"You have to understand," Aunt Maja told Chloe as they fitted table legs to tops for the banquet. "Tove is the closest thing Kajsa has ever had to a sibling... she can be quite territorial over her."


"I thought they didn't get along," Chloe admitted, wary of hurting any familial feelings.


"Oh, they bicker like siblings, too. But Kajsa loves her little cousin dearly, and I think today- ever since you arrived, really, she has felt quite jealous."


"She doesn't need to be jealous of me," Chloe laughed awkwardly. "I'm nothing special."


Aunt Maja's hands paused, two bench seats held aloft. "I don't think I have the words to tell you how untrue that is. But I hope Tove does."


They continued their work in silence, Chloe's face uncomfortably warm. Soon enough they had lines of tables, layered with cloths, filling up the ground floor of the central cavern. Food quickly followed: platters of meat and fruits, bowls of leafy greens, mounds of steaming grains. The decorations consisted of dyed string with wooden lanterns and colourful bunting connecting the ground floor buildings with the crystal column. The glow was gentle, almost soothing.


Despite the fanfare surrounding them, Chloe and Tove managed to hide at the end of a corner table, stealing private moments amongst the pack's party. Aunt Maja provided a wall between them and the world with her body, and they let themselves indulge in discussions of the future. Some big and grand dreams, hopes far off into adulthood, and things to be planned on the horizon. The most pressing - their journey back to the land of magic folk.





And that's the final chapter of Chloe's POV! For the second half of Unfamiliar Territory, we'll be switching to Tove's take on the world 🤗 A huge thank you, as always, to the commissioner who not only funds this series but also created these sweet girls and their predicament - it's a pleasure working with you, and I can't wait to begin sharing the second half of our story 💕

Nora Knox

I'm not crying, someone just cast Sappho's Wholesome Tears on me!


🥺🥺🥺 Is that infectious cause I'm definitely not crying too!