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A Day In The Life Of Omega Remi Episode 4 - Let's Roleplay!



A chain of kisses began at the nape of Remi’s neck and travelled down to his loose collar with wet smacking sounds. When the barrier of his top was reached, his mate pulled it open wider than the baggy material already allowed to taste his shoulders and upper back. The touch of his mate always sent tingles out from wherever it connected with his body, his mate was so sure of himself and his movements, so strong and yet gentle… maybe a little too gentle.


Remi rocked his hips back, bumping his butt against Quinn in the hopes of more. His mate was also a tease, especially when he was working from home. The laptop got the majority of his attention during the sunlight hours, and Remi got the nights. But Remi wanted all of it.


“What do you want, my mate?”


Remi shivered, those last two words might as well have stroked along his spine.


“More,” he answered. He would take anything from his mate as long as it didn’t end.


“You can be specific,” Quinn chuckled into the dip between his shoulder blades. “Ask for anything.”




“I…” Remi’s voice quickly snuffed out into a croak. “I want you to do it like the first time.”


He felt the pause from behind.


“What do you mean?”


“You weren’t as careful with me that time.” I’m not a doll that can be broken so easily. A much nastier alpha than you has tried. These extra arguments would not win him a night with his mate, though, it would only upset him to think of the past. Sometimes, Remi wondered if Quinn’s heart broke more for Remi’s younger self than his own did. He was here, he had made it, he was happy - why dwell?


“I was off my nut on your omega pheromones and my alpha hormones and a whole combination of other factors that made me act like a brute.” Quinn returned to his kiss pecking for a moment before he added, “And you know how I felt afterwards.”


“I told you I liked it.”




“And now I have more experience…”


“And you prefer that to what we do now?”


“I want both.”


Quinn pulled away and a whine pressed out of Remi’s chest reflexively, a noise he found was releasing more and more freely without his intent. It got him an extra cuddle from behind, though.


“Let’s talk about this properly at lunchtime. I’m not saying no… but I’d like some rules.”


Of course, his mate loved meetings and timings and rules. Remi smiled and agreed and watched Quinn return to the laptop. He napped until lunch to make the time pass faster, and also to pretend he was wrapped in his mate’s arms as he buried into the duvet soaked in both their scents.


At the dining table, over steaming pasta, Quinn said, “Explain to me why you want this… please.”


Remi twiddled his fork, not quite managing to pick anything up with it. “I don’t think it’s strange to enjoy when your mate… wants you,” he mumbled.


Quinn laughed quietly. “I always want you.”


“But that time… it was like nothing could stop you from having me.” It embarrassed him, how wistful he sounded. “I want that again.”


“That…” Quinn leant back in his chair, conflicted in his expression. “I would never want you to think you couldn’t stop me, Remi.”


“I know if I said no, even that time, you would have. But…” He sighed, he didn’t have the words to explain what it felt like to have a hungry alpha hunting you for sex. Just that thought passing through his mind clenched something in his tummy.


“You okay? You look a little dazed.”


“I like when you act like a crazy alpha sometimes,” Remi blurted.


A pause sat on the table between them.


The corner of Quinn’s mouth turned up, a smirk barely restrained. It managed to embarrass Remi even further.


“Is this an alpha fetish, my mate?”


Remi’s mouth fell open wide. “N-no!” he sputtered. “I- I just… I have an alpha for a mate, I think I should be allowed to… enjoy it.” He could feel himself burning red hot with shame. “Can we please forget I said anything?”


“I don’t think so.” Quinn’s smile was predatory, and Remi’s eyes began to glaze over again. “What I’m understanding is that you want to roleplay.”




“The stereotypical alpha and omega, you want to play that scenario out.”


“We are an alpha and omega,” Remi reminded him.


“Sure, but we don’t match the expectation. I’m not power-hungry, egotistical, territorial, aggressive…” That last trait he hesitated on and shook his head. Quinn could be aggressive when it was necessary, but it was not like alpha aggression Remi had seen before: senseless, stupid and searching for a fight just to prove themselves. “And you… are actually a pretty good example of a typical omega aside from the occasional sassy moment.”


“I don’t have sassy moments,” Remi argued primly.


Quinn laughed again. “Omegas don’t talk back to alphas, was that not sassy by omega standards?”


“Oh.” He had forgotten a lot of what it meant to be an omega in his time with Quinn. One interaction with his uncle now and he’d probably lock him in a crate for a week. “Then… I will play at being a proper omega?”


“Temporarily, if this is what you want.”


“Yes.” If it meant Quinn would let out his inner alpha again, even just temporarily, then he wanted to play.




Remi straightened cushions and wiped counters that were spotless as he waited for his alpha to return. After his exercise class, he would arrive home and the play would begin. They had discussed lots of things, lot of rules, special words… and now he was jittery.


Tires rolled up the driveway, and he managed to restrain himself from running to the window and pressing his nose to the glass. He was supposed to be the prey, and cat and mouse was only fun if the mouse put up a chase.


He hurried up the stairs, light-footed as was possible with slight wooden creaks, and hovered in the hallway, far enough back that he couldn’t be spotted from the bottom of the stairs. The front door opened. His alpha’s scent was intensified in the sweat that had been left to dry - it set Remi’s pulse just a little faster. It was a scent that kept him safe for being rolled in it regularly, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have the same instincts as any other wolf at the initial hit - danger: strong and scary up ahead.


A clatter of bags, and Remi shuffled back, the carpet muffling his movements. The door closed. Air whipping against the rush of a body reached his ears at a delay, and Remi stumbled back and ran for the nearest door. Alpha Quinn had cleared the stairs in seconds, enhanced agility allowing him to approach at such speed that Remi almost missed the noise of it. Superior senses had found him before he had a chance to find a hiding spot. He was pretty certain alphas could hear a heartbeat from metres away, and his was hammering. He threw the door back behind him and heard it halt in a hand. He had entered Alpha Quinn’s bedroom, and the floor space offered only a c-shape to run. Remi scrambled around the edge of the double bed, putting it between himself and the alpha at his back.


Quinn’s silver eyes were almost overtaken by his pupils; it didn’t slow them, they caught every move, every twitch of Remi’s body as he tested left and right. Either way, he was in trouble. He knew his own scent would be only heightening the urgency - his body was begging to be caught. The line strung between terrifying alpha that could snap you in two and powerful potential mate whose genetics excel at attracting those in need of protection was taut. Remi’s body wanted to be bred by this mass of muscle and sharp teeth and hands so strong and agile they could tie him in a bow. All the while, a tiny red bulb was flashing in the back of his mind that all of those things were meant to be feared. Survival instincts versus reproductive instincts waged war inside of him.


Alpha Quinn’s fingertips rested on the bedsheets, pretending to pause, but his upper arms were clenching and unclenching impatiently, leaking his true intent: whichever way Remi chose to run, Quinn’s arms would be there to catch him.


He chose a wild card - straight forwards, a fake-out, with the hope of flinging himself to the edge of the bed. He got one foot onto the mattress, and the other was snatched by an alpha with a hunger that displayed itself in bared teeth and a greedy gaze. Remi was dragged across the bed in one easy motion, then his clothes were gone in two more. Enormous hands were on him, covering his hips, his chest, the entirety of the soft section of his thighs could be clasped in each of Alpha Quinn’s palms. The touch was everywhere, as though his body needed to be rubbed head-to-toe in his alpha’s scent, should any fool think to leave a little of their own on him.


His knees were pushed apart, almost into his armpits, stretching his flexibility to its limits to open him as wide as possible. It burned perfectly, the satisfaction of being cracked open beneath his mate, offered in his entirety. Alpha Quinn was salivating, Remi could smell it, then he could see it as Alpha Quinn opened his mouth further and let his dripping tongue coat Remi’s hole.


He squealed and squirmed and his wrists were pinned in response and even that felt good. Pleasure shook him from the inside out while Alpha Quinn’s tongue continued to dig deeper. When he struggled against the tingling pleasure that ran through the rest of his body, he was held tighter, pressed down into the bed and ordered to stay that way with a growl. A head-to-toe shiver hit him, his eyes drooping, unable to resist the simple satisfaction that came from receiving an order from his alpha. And he would try ever so hard to obey, because that felt even better.


Too soon, his spine was drawing up off the sheets without his intention - so close, it warned him. Alpha Quinn ignored the uncontrollable writhing, lapping between Remi’s legs as though he might actually devour him whole. And he was there, momentarily frozen in the bliss that struck. Remi cried out, curling inwards and clinging to Quinn’s shoulders wretchedly.


The release dropped him limp and fuzzy-eyed. He didn’t need clear vision to read his mate’s expression above him, though. Thinly-veiled pride and an unsated desire glowed down at him, and Remi keened in response.


“So pretty,” Alpha Quinn murmured, nuzzling against Remi’s ear. Sinking lower, he added, “so obedient.” A tiny tremble revealed Remi’s pleasure from the praise. Into his collarbone, Alpha Quinn chuckled. “And so fucking wet, little omega.”


Thighs jumped together instinctively, and were immediately pulled apart again. Between them, Quinn pressed his cock. The size was slightly larger than Remi, so it always offered a stretch that contented something deep and yearning in his tummy. Alpha Quinn entered him in one impatient thrust. Remi gasped, grabbing at the sheets and pretending to pull away. His wrists were stolen back and pinned at his hair.


Instead of careful increases of speed and depth, this alpha gave Remi one-hundred percent from the first rock of his hips. His body fought to open more, to accommodate the force, he could see his feet bouncing in the air but no longer had control over them. Everything was moved solely by the drive of Alpha Quinn’s hips. Remi was panting, despite doing no work, and whimpering when nips and nibbles caught him.


Round two and Remi couldn’t speak coherently anymore. Round three and it almost seemed as though Alpha Quinn might take some pity on a stupid omega asking for something that would wreck him. Round four corrected this: his mate was feral and it only made his orgasms the more intense for witnessing it.


The dig of Alpha Quinn’s fingers into his hips promised bruises in the morning, with every shift of position he would earn a new pinky-purple stripe. Remi bit his lip and sighed happily, he would admire them in secret, reliving the grip his mate had held him in. His brain was mush, his bones sore, his skin covered in displays of desire.


A groan against his neck turned guttural, and Remi’s insides squeezed in response. His mate, his strong, alpha mate, was pleasured by him and that thought was enough to take him to the edge. Again. He squirmed, pushing his heels to the bedding to kick himself back. Hopeless flee attempts earned omegas a bite to the shoulder, so close to the marking point, and Remi howled at the sting of Quinn’s teeth, his thighs fluttering open flat against the bed as he came.


Alpha Quinn finished, too, with a few light humps to end. At the removal of his length, Remi’s stomach seemed to deflate, and he finally stopped fighting. He barely had the energy to breathe. His alpha climbed over him completely, creating a shield from the outside with his body, and Remi creakily curled up inside of it. Their warmth and sweat pressed together.


More of his alpha mate’s weight was dropped onto him, not enough to harm but enough to trap. Squashed beneath his mate, he felt content.



Holy moly Remi. Be careful what you wish for, lol.