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First thing in the morning, Quinn laid in bed and thought about their options while Remi snuffled in her sleep. Sanctuary with supplies seemed the easiest for Wes and Eveline… It would keep Remi happy to arrange some sort of care package run weekly to the place… Of course, anyone could enter Sanctuary and steal or destroy the supplies… From the understanding Quinn had from Remi and Eveline, the only line that couldn’t be crossed was dragging someone back out… And at that point it was just a waste of resources, but Quinn had a job - and it wasn’t patrolling a scrap of forest to protect rogue wolves…

Quinn checked the time on her phone. Then she double-checked the date, and flew out of bed.

“Shit! It’s not a work from home day today!” she hissed.

Remi roused, peeking out from the covers to groggily ask, “Isn’t it Wednesday today?”

“It is, but I have to go in for this day of meetings- I’m only involved in one.” She groaned, running her fingers through her hair and hurrying to the bathroom. “Maybe I can get out early,” she called over her shoulder.

Whatever Remi replied was short, sweet and quickly followed by soft snores.

Quinn tore out the front door late, decently dressed but with mussed hair and a half-packed backpack. She was a few minutes late to her desk but no one noticed, all thoughts and talk were directed to today's back-to-back meetings. The end of November was drawing in, and once December hit there was no work getting done with half the team on annual leave and the rest counting down the days till they were off too.

Despite the chaos of an end-of-year wrap-up, and all of the visitor lanyards bobbing around the corridors from various brands, the moment Jay crept out of Accounts, Quinn pounced. After only a couple of interactions, Quinn had kept her scent profile instead of letting it fade like the other unimportant humans she came into contact with, and when the door to Accounts opened, a waft was released.

Quinn stood from her desk. Jordan was still off sick, she had sent her an incredibly apologetic message as she was driving in, and entrusted their presentation to her with her blessing. While her friend was still tending her emotional wounds, Jay had dared return, and Quinn wanted to ensure that the current situation was understood from both sides.

Something about Quinn's presence must have set off some deep-rooted, primal alarm bells in Jay's brain, she glanced over her shoulder on her way to the bathrooms, as though she sensed Quinn's approach. Humans seemed, and were supposed in scientific theory Quinn had heard, to have survival instincts - they just rarely used them. Quinn wasn't sure if this was due to a blanket sensation of safety that their technology had given them, or maybe overconfidence because of their sheer population number.

"You want something or just staring?" Jay had slowed to a stop outside the bathroom swing doors.

"Big talk for someone so small," Quinn grunted, drawing in closer. Jay was fit, for a human, but Quinn was her size when she was fourteen, and had only gotten bigger and stronger since.

Jay grit her teeth before hissing, "You need to stop sticking your nose in other people's bus-"

"You need to watch your fucking back," Quinn growled. Her face was so close now, bringing herself almost chest-to-chest with the weaker woman. "And leave Jordan alone. She doesn't need your psycho shit."

"Me, a psycho?" Jay scoffed. "You're the one d- doing all this!"

Quinn smirked. Even humans’ pitiful survival skills could tell them when they were outmatched. The light scent of fear wafted up to her.

"I'm not scared of you," Jay croaked.

"You look it," Quinn commented, casual as she would speak to any other passing colleague. "But you don't need to be if you keep yourself out of Jordan's way."

"Whatever." Jay stumbled back, hand grazing the wall for the bathroom door.

Quinn followed. “Not ‘whatever,’ this is your final warning.” She gave her one back-step of breathing room, a long look, and then returned to her desk. Jay remained in the same spot until she turned away.

The meeting was stuffy and stiff but Quinn survived. She didn't have Jordan's charm or ability to work the room, she just had her numbers and some suggestions as to what they meant for the future of the company and their partners. Her manager complimented her afterwards, but she knew they both missed Jordan's presence. On the high of the positive feedback, Quinn made the request to leave early.

Home by late lunch, but already exhausted, Quinn staggered through the front door. She could smell all three occupants in the living room and approached slowly, wearily.

“Oh, Alpha! Yes! Yes, Alpha!” Wes mimicked in a squeaky voice, throwing himself across the sofa and writhing obscenely. Observing uncomfortably from the dining table was Eveline, her eyes bouncing between Remi and Wes as though they were engaged in a game of catch. Remi was hovering between the two, conflict written over her face and through her body.

Quinn froze one step into the room, a flash of white hot fury running through her. “Wes, if you don’t shut the fuck-”

“Alpha!” Remi gasped.

“Sorry, Remi.” Quinn glared at Wes, who grinned up at her from the sofa. “Not sorry, Wes.” Her hands were flexing, and he barely flinched, inviting her to do it.

“We will try to keep the noise down from now on,” Remi promised softly. The pleading look she pointed at Quinn was all that was restraining her.

Quinn stomped out of the room, calling over her shoulder, “No, we won’t.” She grumbled to herself with every step up the stairs: how they would fuck louder and more often than ever before. Anywhere they pleased. Any time of day.

After an angry shower, turned less so by Remi hopping in with her, Quinn returned to the living room. Wes was hiding upstairs, while Eveline was still sat primly at the dining table and doing a very good job of not looking awkwardly lost in this strange situation. Quinn had no doubt she was very good at her job while on the Assembly's payroll.

At the sight of Quinn and Remi's entrance, hair still a little damp and cheeks flushed, she jumped up and greeted them both respectfully. Titles only, bowing her head. Quinn waved for her to sit back down and joined her at the table. Remi retreated to the kitchen, although she would probably be listening in, too.

"In your professional opinion," Quinn began on the out-breath of a sigh. Eveline perked up, curiosity and concern battling amongst her features. "How fucked are we for having you and Wes here? I mean, after you're gone, could we still be found guilty of something?"

"There's a small grace period - very small,” Eveline answered, careful as though Quinn might catch her out on a misspoken word. “If I were to give you my best advice, Alpha, it would be to get the documents in now, backdated, and don't even take the risk."

Quinn slumped back with a groan. The angry noise made Eveline visibly uncomfortable and she fought to rein her emotions in, it wasn't her fault that she was an alpha but it was her fault if she let that affect everyone else.

"With all due respect, Alpha, why is it that you are so against the idea of a registered pack?"

Quinn considered whether or not to answer truthfully - what did she owe this woman? Certainly not her personal thoughts and feelings. They watched each other, one patient and perhaps a little nervous, and the other stressed and suspicious.

Not only was Eveline a stranger, but an ex-Assembly employee. All Quinn had to bet her trust on was Remi’s good judgement… and Remi cared for Wes, which was a foolish decision in itself.

However, Eveline was the closest thing Quinn had to an informant - perhaps the one person who could help her evade the very institution Eveline was once a part of. Maybe… she would have the solution to Quinn and Remi’s halfway house problem, one that didn’t land them in prison.

She took a long breath, levelled her gaze at Eveline and admitted aloud, "I want to live outside of Assembly control."



Wes needs to be kicked out asap. Or at least reminded that he would be dead had it not been for Remi and he needs to start figuring out what his plans are next.


Also, mildly concerned Eveline is a plant.


Oh, Quinn will be laying down a firm reminder next chapter, don't you worry 🤭