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1) First of all: identify the kind of dragon (metallic or chromatic) and his breath type (important if you don't want to burn yourself)

2) Take proper measures, drink the appropriate elixir to get elemental resistance and check if mating season is open (very important step, you might die if you don't properly check it!)
3) "Slay" the dragon.

4) ???

5) Profit.

Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk. Next presentation we're going to study Otyugh mating habits and how to identify it's reproductive organs!


On a side note, I hope you guys enjoy this one! I created a short story but if you don't dig it, I created some versions without the Dragon Hunter's companions to make the encounter more "personal" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Dragonslaying? More like Dragonlaying 😏


Fantastic strategy!