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Hello, I hope everyone is doing fantastic and has been enjoying the new Major Update.

As most of you know by now, all sound mods are still disabled by Gaijin. This is due to issues that arose with the new Major Update that could cause game crashes.

After speaking with the developers, they stated that we should expect a fix allowing sound mods to be enabled again within the next several days. When this happens, I'll post another announcement, which will also include the updated version of IASM that is compatible with Seek & Destroy.

With this, I'm also letting everyone know that work has indeed been started on updating the mod and that this will also include new AV-8B Plus RWR sounds. If I'm able to make enough progress, this update might also include the separated missile seeker tones I made a poll about last month. If not, you can expect that to be added in the update after this one.

That's everything for now. Apologies for the slight delay with this update, however, some things are unfortunately out of my control.



just one quick question. What does separated missile seek sound means since u’ve already made standalone missile tone in the past versions.


It means certain aircraft will have different seeker tones. Such as some nations having their own, and older US aircraft using the old Sidewinder tones.