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You might have noticed I posted a LOT of First Contact chapters.

Well, this last week was Hell on wheels, and I'm trying to catch up on what I told you I'd do. Additionally, I'm going through and adding tags to make things a little easier to navigate and find.

Hopefully, everyone has been doing good.

I'm healing up really well. Out of the immobilizer, the whole nine yards.

But, let's get onto something funny.

On the 4th of July, I usually play a game with friends and noise cancelling headphones so that I don't get startled and I can spend time with friends. So, we're playing Fallout 76 and the dogs need to go out.

Now, 4th of July here was interrupted about 8PM with heavy rain and winds.

I go out with the dogs, talking on the headset, laughing with them.


I'm on my ass in the grass, the grass is steaming, the dogs are huddled up to me, my headset is full of my friends going "ARE YOU OK?" and my head is splitting.

About 10-15 paces away is a steaming patch in the grass.

I get up and go inside.

My wife stares at me.

"Did you just..."

"No, not at all. Totally OK," I tell her.

Well, except she was in the call too.

So, she wants me to go to the ER. I tell her I'm fine. Haven't felt this good in a whi.le.

Long story short, yeah...


Thought you guys would think it was funny.

Anyway, Tomorrow I'll do some more chapters. Probably 5 or so posts this time.




Once you've been struck by lightning, the odds of you being struck by lightning -again- go up dramatically. I'm not sure what it says about being struck by lightning consistently, but maybe you should just put up a lightning tower in your yard at this point.


What is with you and lightning? Least you're not at an FSTS.