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Someone mentioned talking about my decisions behind the various plots, subplots, characterizations, and stuff like that.

Well, let's be honest.

It's all stream of consciousness writing. I might have a vague idea of where things are going, like "Dee's going to tempt the crew of the It Tastes Sweet" but beyond that, I don't know what's going to happen.

Hell, I still have fugue states some days.

Sometimes it's a total shock where things go. I had no idea Dambree was going to turn into a masked serial killer, or that  Vuxten was going to end up who and what he is.

I mean, I wish I was like other authors and could talk all day about the decisions I made, things that were cut, stuff like that, but VERY rarely is there cut stuff that doesn't hit the subreddit. "Confed Bounties" is the only thing that didn't get put in there.

I guess, when you mix 50 years of pop culture, extensive reading of everything from classics to speculative fiction to scifi to fantasy to pulp detective tales, watching everything from Ice Pirates and Maximum Overdrive to historic movies to classics to modern flicks, playing RPG's from Top Secret to Twilight 2000 to AD&D to Gamma World, working jobs from construction to military to slinging cable to working in a factory, you just pile things up in your brain.

And now it's just all spilling out.

Like I said, I'd love to talk about why I made those decisions.

The weird thing is, it feels like after we have the last chapter, it's all going to unfold why my brain made certain choices.

Like I know Dee will never be named because of who my subconscious decided she represents and that having a name actually diminishes her.

Hey, maybe my subconscious will let BOTH of us know why it did things.

Anyway, stay safe out there.





I mean a guy that references Ice Pirates . . . that pretty much sums up the entire thread. Every time I remember the cheap battle robot unscrewing the bolt holding it together - intergalactic gold.


I thought that Dambree was a brilliant combination of the 'Last Girl', Jason Voorhees, and the killer bunny from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. "I always warn them but do they listen? Oh no." - Tim the Enchanter.