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Today is my last day at work. I'll be leaving in about an hour for my last shift. After 0900 I'll be taken off shift, turn in everything including my ID and my RFID's, turn in a few other little things. Meet with an IT rep to make sure my accesses are removed and my biometrics wiped from the system. I'll check the lists and make sure everything I turned in was in good condition and everything accounted for. Then I'll walk out to the truck, drive it to the guard shack, where they'll remove the sticker and the RFID. Then I'll head home.

I'll stop to get a milkshake on the way home. I promised myself that.

When I get home, about noon to 1300, that'll be it.

I'll be no longer working outside the home. Unless things take a serious turn for the worse and we hit the 'gone to Hell plan', then I won't be looking for work. We'll be deleting my resume from my computer. My daughters and my son-in-law want to be present for that. My work boots get put in the basement, along with some other stuff.

It'll be new for me.

My wife's looking forward to having me around more, that'll mean there will be more time for her, since I was working and writing and trying to keep maintenance up on the house.

The last time I didn't work for any length of time was after an industrial accident that crushed my chest. Unlike that time, I won't be itching to get back to work.

I've worked since I was thrown out at 15. Actually, I had a job after school since I was about 13. I'm mainly a manual labor, boots on the ground, walk the line kind of guy. I've only had about three office jobs my entire life, and two of those were entry level.

I'm going to be in uncharted territory here.

My wife and kids want to make it a big deal, the transfer, so it's in my head that it happened.

Although my wife did say that writing will pretty much be my job, so don't act like I'm completely without anything to do. The other thing, is she wants me to be more proactive and more regular with my medical appointments.

But, for better or for worse, I'm retired in my 50's now.

Guess we'll see where this path takes me.

See ya later, everyone.



Michael Clancy

Congrats Ralt! I'll be behind a desk till I die I figure lol. Enjoy the hell out of that Milkshake! You earned it!


I'm 63 and still have 4 years till I can check out. Good luck on everything! Stay active. I'm a CNC machinist and have been a whole lot of other things. Love your work