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Anyway, sorry I haven't really posted here lately. Between phone posting at the doctor's office and being in a sling, I haven't really spent much computer time beyond writing and shitposting on Twitter.

We're going to go with the fanart section because I love fanart, absolutely love it.

Book Six is somewhat slow coming out but that's OK. We've got the cover, so we're waiting on the final edit for it.

On other news, we'll be going back to the Apostles absolutely wrecking the Atrekna, the Atrekna eeking out a few victories, and Dalvanak's discovery of where the Atrekna are planning on destroying Hyperspace and Jumpspace once and for all.

Other than that, not much to really talk about.

I hope everyone is doing good with everything going on. I know that things are tough, and I ask you to hang in there, talk to someone if you feel the need, and take care of yourself.





absolutely love this art. 3rd vote for question above.