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I figured out a title.

"P'Thok the Accidental Liberator"

Take all of the P'Thok stories, edit them, format them, combine them, maybe get some artwork for them, and get a cover, and upload them to Amazon.

I'll probably put the non-artwork version up on here for Patreons.

The first set of First Contact stories to go to Amazon.

Just an idea I had.

On the other front, turned out that the entire frontroom front and side wall needed pulled out, the insulation replaced, and new dry-wall put in, so I'm staying at my daughter's house when I'm not driving.

Take each day one at a time.

With each problem, treat them as stairs. Look at the top of the stairs at where you are going, but just worry about the next few stairs. Take it one step at a time.

History books should just show 2020 as Godzilla stomping on Bambi.




Need to add a reminder to remember to fix the confederacy to federation reference. And that cnt-a dose not work on /HFY it catches to much extra.


Thanks for the advice, definitely going to add 177 now.