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Well, we all made it another month! Give yourself a round of applause for surviving the Coof (Captain Tripps it ain't), Isolation (The last man in the world heard a knock at the door), Social Distancing (Please, please say you can see me...), and everything else.

It's Halloween tomorrow, and while I wanted to do a horror set, I sadly wasn't able too. Sure, our intrepid heroes of Sword Hoof have entered Hellspace, with the LT being the first Lanaktallan to enter Hellspace in 100+ million years, but I wasn't able to  do an entire scary story, which disappointed me.

But, let's get on with the news.

Right now, we're packing. The ENTIRE move got put off. Thanks to you guys (and my last paycheck) I'm able to have a professional do the plumbing in the house (It's shot due to the house sitting empty for 4-6 years) rather than have me do it (and probably screw it up), as well as take our time  to move rather than doing the machinegun charge driving schedule where everyone ends up exhausted. As far as the plumbing goes, it's a mix of piping from the early 20th Century, PVC, galvanized steel, copper, and other stuff, in a confusing mix where pipes go nowhere, or feedback loop, or vanish into the ground. It'll be easier to have it torn out (and avoid verdigris poisoning or galvanized/copper acidic exposure) and replaced than try to just patchwork it with a FIFTH type of piping, as well as modernize it so it's got a 3/4" inflow rather than a 1/2" (Now with rust, verdigris, and acid lining!) inflow.

So, packing, putting stuff away, getting ready to go.

AND we'll, with any luck, beat any major snow.

On that, my wife said I get to take over a corner of the frontroom. A friend of mine said he has a present for me, one of the 60's/70's themed artwork compilations books with the sci-fi entries.

We discussed it, and depending on the cost of living, I'll probably shift to this being my main focus, which is kind of cool. Sure, it might be shoestring for a while, but them's the breaks, baby. She likes how chipper writing makes me, having me home, and she's told me I'm old enough I might want to give a thought to doing this instead of busting my butt or taking really risky jobs.

My daughter thinks I should get a map of the Milky Way and put it on the wall, with outlines of the various races.

AND, hopefully sometime in November, we'll have a site online (Thank you, you know who I'm talking about) as well as I've been giving thought to having an artwork contest but I'm not sure how that would work.

Last, I want to give you guys a promise, and you know I'm good on them:

I will NOT include real world politics or anything like that in my stories. I want to neither date the stories NOR interrupt why we all read, which is escapism and to shift away from real life somewhat. Some people are feeling political/activist fatigue, and I get that.

So I won't be rubbing politics in everyone's face. No social commentary hamfistedly shoved in, no judgement, no strawmen. Not my politics, not other's politics.

The Politics of the Terran Confederacy in 8,000 years AG (Ante-Glassing)? Lanaktallan politics? Tnvaru and Telkan politics? Well, yeah.

But I'm not going to insert my personal beliefs or emulate what I think other people want me to include.

This is a story of humanity's greatness, of evil from beyond space and time, of strange alien species, and the conflict between those who have everything and those who want to take everything from everyone else as part of a plan they no longer understand.

It's Terrans leading by example.

So, I'll post an update, probably tomorrow night.

In the meantime, I value all of you. Thank you for making a dream I never knew I had come true, and I hope to keep entertaining you all.




I'm not crying. You're crying! Thank you for doing the thing. Is great!


Several years ago, we had all our plumbing replaced. Took a 2 week vacation and told the plumber to go for it. Just save some of the really bad/interesting stuff he found. Pros: When he pulled the permit, he found out the city had replaced the main line in the street and to the house 1 year before we bought it. He put in 3/4 copper everywhere under the house. He put 2" drain pipe everywhere and 3" from the toilets, leading to the 6" going to the street. Clean outs for both bathrooms and at the front of the house. Cons: The old pipe was galvanized. Most of the lines were classified to 1/2 their diameter. The old 1.5" kitchen drain had only 1/4 inch hold down the center. (No wonder our drains were so slow.) Long term Con: It's copper and sometimes we hear of copper thefts in the neighborhood. Talking with our plumber a few years later, I asked about PEX. "At the time it was more expensive and I didn't know how work with it and it wasn't trusted yet. Now days, it's PEX everywhere. It's so easy."