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The message is long and sad, so if you don't want to read: I'm going to need a few days to deal with a loss. thank you all for your support and patience.






I know you don't know much about my personal life and that's a little my fault. But basically, here it is me, my wife and our 2 dogs: Sherlock and Amora (those who are older on the discord server may remember that I posted a photo of them two.)

 We don't have many friends. That doesn't bother us, we like to stay in our own world. If you are like this too and have a pet, you know how attached you can be to them.

Sherlock had been undergoing constant treatments for 2 years. He has always been in poor health, especially his lungs. But, damn, he was the best dog I could ask for.

A few days ago he needed to do a more in-depth exam, fully sedated and a little invasive. those were hard days. From Sunday to now he already looked like a dog of almost 20 years old, even though he was only 6. Yesterday, he barely ate and spent almost the entire morning without being able to lie down to sleep (despite all the medicine and care we could give him). He ended up needing to go to the emergency room, inhale oxygen and take stronger medications for pain and to be able to breathe.

He got through the night, I was with him most of the time. Always with a strong look, with hope.

So, this morning, I went back home to get some things he needed. he was strong and waited for me to come back to see him. So that I would be with him when the time came. He left with the same happy look. 

I hope everyone understands, but I need a few days to deal with all of this. I need to take care of everything around here. support my wife, take care of some documents about him and especially my mind.

I'll be back as soon as possible, I promise. Thank you for all the support you give to my work. I wouldn't have been able to take care of him without your help.

This is Sherlock, for those who hadn't met him yet. This was his last photo, yesterday.