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I released my load as I jerked myself off a little and sprayed my semen all over the unconscious Little Star. Her body was covered in cum all over. Her face, torso, legs, and even on her back were completely covered in my cum. I grinned, and Little Star was completely out of it. I couldn't help but head back to my phone, come back, and take a picture to show her later. I would have to delete it later, but this moment should live in her memory as the first time I fucked her raw. After taking the picture, I pulled a blanket over her, and I knew that she was going to need to wash her bed after tonight.

I pulled back after tucking the older woman into bed and stretched. I felt so good at this moment, and my cock was still dripping with cum. I didn't look for her to clean it up this time. It was starting to get late, and I needed to run home. After giving so many rewards tonight, I knew Little Star would need rest.

Turning, I left the room, headed to the bathroom, and cleaned up my cock in the sink. Then I got into my backpack and started to pull out my workout outfit. I felt sand in it a little, but I didn't care. I was going to run back home, and I double-checked and found my house keys.

With a smile, I continued to get dressed before taking the weights out and putting them on. It would be too easy to run without them, and I was going to enjoy my run. I got myself ready and pulled my hair into a ponytail before running. I collected the extra condoms and put them in my backpack before everything away that I took out and got ready to move.

Pulling out my phone, I looked at Crystal's text and smiled as I read it.

Crystal: God, that was hot as fuck. My pussy was so moist after you brought her here. I am going to need to have a round in the back with one of my backup toys. Still felt nowhere near as good as you, Mistress. Can we try that one time? I am not sure where but god thinking about the loving torture that would be before you took me is making my pussy ache.

I grinned, and I enjoyed the idea. I had the chastity belt with the twin peaks that turned on, which I used as a punishment for Tracy the other week. Still, I composed a text and sent back a reply.

Angela: No problem, I will think of something, Minx. Bad news, though, If you wanted to see me in that outfit, it would have to be a new one. Little Star accidentally shredded the outfit apart while we were having fun.

I sent the text and drank some water from the sink before turning and leaving Little Star's bathroom. I called the elevator, and soon I was inside, heading toward the garage. I pulled up the map to see the route of my run, and it would be a bit longer than I thought. I would have to pace myself if I wanted to do it in good time. I didn't need to hurt myself as this run would be longer than usual.

Taking on my backpack, I walked through the garage and quickly watched it open up automatically. I stepped out into the cool night and stretched my body. I walked out to the sidewalk and continued to stretch there as the garage door closed, ensuring Little Star's house was locked. That was important to me as there was no way Hilda was waking up in the next eight hours after what I did with her. She would probably walk a little funny, and I hoped that didn't affect her business work.

Hilda's confession was something that I didn't want to process fully. I liked her and was honest with her that if she had no money, I probably would have played with her. She was an incredibly hot mature Russian woman that deserved the attention. Maybe I wouldn't be as enthusiastic and show up literally every Wednesday as I do for her now, but I wouldn't avoid her either.

That made me remember Cumdump, as Samantha told me twice to call her. I should probably take some time before I meet the twins tomorrow to call her. Actually, this weekend, I wanted to be focused with the twins around. Those two made me worried, but I didn't know. They seemed somewhat crazy, and the fact that they wanted me around worried me slightly.

Should I have brought Crystal along?

That was the major question I answered earlier, and I wasn't sure if I had chosen it correctly. Instead, I had to shake my head as I finished stretching and took off down the street. The cool familiar air licked at my skin, and I started breathing a little heavier and quicker than normal. The burn settled in faster, and I knew the reason. I just had sex almost a dozen times and had been exerting myself the entire day. Sweat quickly speckled my brow and my arms as some of the sand dug at my skin, irritating me.

I would have to clean this outfit thoroughly before using it next. It was a nice purple one, so I would make some effort to clean it if the first wash cycle didn't get it out. I couldn't help but wonder if there were better outfits for this instead. It wasn't happening last time, so it seemed something with this outfit collected it. Maybe the more open top. Either way, this was a no-go for the beach in the future.

My mind wandered while I ran down streets and jogged down others. I didn't go into a full-out sprint till I knew I was only a couple of streets away. I slammed the pavement with my feet and sprinted down an entire street before slowing down to a run and then a jog on the next street. By the time I got to my home street, I was on a walk cooling down with sweat all over. My shit was soaked, and I walked up to the house and paused. I took a deep breath and put in the keys, unlocking the door.

Opening it up, I stepped into my home and felt odd since I hadn't been there for a while. The last time I was here was a fight, and I didn't want to get into another. I heard my mom working in her studio with some light music. It was dark out, but when my mom got into a creative mood, she was stuck in it for hours. I turned and saw my father looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't expect you back tonight," My father said on the couch looking at me while a cartoon played on the television.

"Well," I replied, not knowing how to reply, "I do live here, and although my girlfriend doesn't mind me staying over all the time, I want to come home some days. I have tried coming home and sleeping; just the last couple of times didn't work out that way," I told him, trying to keep my voice level.

My father closed his eyes, and I knew he was trying to keep his temper in. I knew at this moment my mother, and he must have had a serious blow-up after the last time. "Okay, I was in the wrong last time. I am sorry," He said, although he didn't sound apologetic. Still, it was something I would have to take.

"Okay," I replied, not knowing how to respond to his apology. I took off my shoes and put down my backpack. I grabbed my uniform and some of my things from it to put in my hand before deciding to bring the backpack down to my room. I picked up my bag, and I looked at him. "Look, I know that was hard for you. For now, I don't really know how to respond," I said because as I looked at him, I could tell my initial response wasn't a good idea, "So I am tired and in desperate need of a shower after a long run to cool off. Okay?" I finished.

My father had calmed down and nodded at my second response, and he looked down. "Look, There is one more thing before you go," My father said just as I was about to start to leave the room to escape. "I did not mean to be so favorable to your sister. I never was a father to her in the past, and I was trying to make up for that, Angela. I didn't mean for things to go the way that they did. Forgive me?" He asked at the end.

Fresh anger coiled in my veins, and I looked at my father, slowly turning my head to him. "I don't need this right now," I said instead, "I really don't need this right now," I repeated and walked out of the room. I took my things and moved down to my basement room. Anger fumed through me as my father ambushed me with an apology trying to get me to forgive him. He had not shown me any actions and asked me to forgive him?!

I got down the stairs and tossed my bag towards the desk. I needed to get things from my room. I would store them at Crystal's house because this house wasn't feeling like home anymore. I tossed my things aside and started to strip naked. I pulled my outfits off, grabbed my uniform, and pulled out the laundry in the washing machine to put it in the drier. After doing that, I got my clothing in the washer and walked over to my shower.

I got into the shower and turned it on while I looked around my room and pulled out a couple of workout outfits for me to wear. It was my main form of dress, and although they would probably be a bit tight on my breasts, I would still wear them. I yawned and looked at my messy bed and the weights that were now stacked in the corner.

Looking around at the rearrangement, I was annoyed, to say the least. This was my stuff, and it had been moved all around. I turned and put the outfits I planned to use the next couple of days into the washer as I felt everything might be dirty. I even picked up a couple of my older panties in the wash, just in case.

My space felt violated and dirty, and this was the only way I knew how to clean it up to start. After starting the load, I got into the shower and felt the heat pour down on me. It was pretty late at night, and I would have to go to bed soon. I already missed Crystal and plowing her into unconsciousness. She was great and responded to my advances with excitement.

Why did I come back to be here again?

This room already felt violated, and I was not really welcome there. Or at least that was how I felt at this moment. I grabbed the leftover body wash I had in my shower and shampoo and started to wash myself thoroughly. It took some time before I was done, and I grabbed some towels that looked lower than when I left. It was just another sign that someone in my room was using it for themselves.

I wrapped a towel around my head and dried myself off with another before moving back into my room. Seeing naked in my room after someone had been through it felt odd, and I sighed. I remembered where I had put my computer wire and found it had not been moved this time. I quickly retrieved it and got back to my desk, turning on my computer. I turned my back on the staircase and started to go through things.

A sigh of relief came out of my lips when I realized where Elana had been doing her school work was on the shit default browser that came with the computer. I looked at the VPN that I used for when I was surfing the web. My Email was already opened on this browser, but I found nothing in the internet history from the last time I used it. It was such a huge relief that she didn't have access to my emails that I pulled them up and found over a dozen videos of Jake. Then I remembered that I told Daniel that I was going to send him some, and he gave me his email for it.

I smirked, started looking through a couple of the videos, and began to forward the videos to Daniel with a smile. They should get his lips wet for his new Sissy that he was going to take off my hands. Which reminded me of something, and I grabbed my phone and called Kyle.

Three rings later, he picked up.

"Kyle Speaking," Kyle said over the phone, his sleepiness apparent. It looked like he didn't check his caller ID at all, and I smirked.

"Mistress is calling," I said, my voice flat, and I heard a couple of noises and scrambling on the other side of the phone.

"Mistress," Kyle said after a couple of seconds, "I have missed you; sorry for my impoliteness before I didn't look at the caller ID," Kyle admitted.

"That is okay; I am calling to inform you of your orders." I began, "Tomorrow Morning, you will be up and at school Early in the morning. I want you to meet me at the teacher's locker room, and I will have my fun with you. Also, you better still have that little cage on. I am expecting great things from you, Kyle. Don't disappoint me," I finished.

"Yes, Mistress," I heard on the other side of the line from Kyle. No longer did I hear that he was sleepy? Instead, I heard excitement.

"Good girl, See you tomorrow early in the morning. Remember, if I am there before you, you will regret it," I finished and hung up the phone. Much to my surprise, As I leaned back and felt a text suddenly come in. I couldn't help but wonder who it was from, and I looked down at my phone I was just about to put down.

Daniel: Oh, Little sissy has a bit of muscle. No matter I will make him nice and soft in my hands once I have my hands on him. How is Friday coming in planning?

I quickly replied with a text.

Angela: Got a hotel room booked and possible cameras lent out. Don't know about the delivery of the product yet. I need to have a conversation with the delivery girl.

Daniel: Fair enough, Let me know; I am looking forward to this more than prom.

I chuckled at the last reply and started to turn off my auto sign-in on my email. A second later, I heard the sound of a door closing above me, and I turned to look back to see the door closed, which I remembered already being closed. I didn't see or hear anyone coming down the stairs, although I wouldn't have been surprised if my mother had wanted to come and see me.

Going through my hard drive, I moved things online onto drives I could access anywhere instead of on my computer. It took a long time, and I was starting to get sleepy. While the files were uploaded onto the cloud, I started to find my important documents for Hilda and Samantha. I did not want my mother, father, or Elana to find those. That would be extremely awkward if they decided to talk very badly for me.

I quickly found them in my desk, where all my old school work was neatly organized. I frowned, looking at where I placed them, though, as I didn't organize them properly, it seemed. To be honest, I didn't have a spot in my drawer for important documents, so being in Miscellaneous made a little sense. I would put it in the to-be-determined area where I used to put documents I planned to make a new place for.

I picked them up and put them in my bag for now. I closed the drawer and looked at my computer to watch the files. I leaned back in my chair before getting up and making my bed. It didn't take long, and I started to stretch while listening to the washing machine. When the buzz of the machine was done, I had to wait for the drier to finish the other person's clothing. It was a pain, but I wasn't about to chuck a family member's wet clothing on the floor.

Instead, I checked the computer and now started to delete the files I had finished uploading to the cloud. There should be an assignment coming up and a group assignment coming up that I completed over the summer that I could submit after some adjusting for one of my classes soon.

That was one of the main reasons I used my summer so well. If you completed everything beforehand, you only need to worry about modification and refinement. A lot of the teachers liked teaching the same thing every year and modifying the projects here and there. The only problem with that was the new teachers who didn't have a style yet.

I didn't have to worry about that as my teachers were all five to ten years into the job. They had previous teenagers beat the fight out of them and stuck to the already-done stuff. It was a true testament to our education system. All I had to do was wait for the testing season, where every class turned to multiple choice and essays. There was nothing I could do about that when it came.

I sighed, thinking about that when the buzzer for the drier finish. I got up and took care to change loads of laundry, so I would have clean clothes tomorrow. I moved around my room and cleaned up a little before I checked everything on my computer once more, and I created a new user as a guest. I locked the main computer knowing that if someone wanted to break in, they could. I wanted to check if she would as a test of her personality before trusting Elana. At this point, I started shutting down the computer.

I lay in bed and sighed as I felt the familiar blanket and pillows that both felt familiar and foreign now. It was odd what a couple of weeks of living with my girlfriend could do. I got out of bed, turned off the lights, and moved back to my bed by the phone light. I used my spare charging cord at my bed to plug in my phone and check my alarms. I made sure they would go off so I could make some breakfast.

Laying on my bed, I curled up, feeling oddly lonely. I must have been spoiled by Crystal being in my bed the last couple of weeks. I missed feeling something in my breasts as I was falling asleep. I pulled the blankets tighter, and slowly I drifted off to sleep.



Sorry for the late chapter. I am posting the chapter that was the easiest to complete in the shortest amount of time. Sorry for the latness but I am in the middle of switching to days and House hunting.

Justin "Johnist" Johanson

1 - her father's a complete asshole trying to guilt trip her like that 2 - I am extremely curious about who was in the basement while she was handling the computer stuff.