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Greetings guys! (^ᴗ^)/ This update is to confirm that a change has recently been made to the way everyone gets a drawing in the livestreams. You can read more about it on my Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/Maximignon

Basically, instead of a raffle, each Patron is now guaranteed a drawing in a certain order. If you maybe have questions, or are unclear as to how exactly this will work and apply to you, please feel welcome to message me!



how do you pick each one for the free drawing


I've compiled a list of all my Patrons, and arranged them in order of when they last received a drawing. Those that most recently got one are towards the bottom, and those that haven't gotten one in a while are near the top. This guarantees that you will eventually receive a free drawing during a stream :3 If you can't make it to a show, and you were in line to receive a drawing, you'll still be kept at the top of the list, but the next runner-up that is watching will get their drawing in your place. They'll move down to the bottom of the list once they get their drawing, and you'll still at the top, to get your request the next time you make it to a stream ^ - ^