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Somewhere far away, in an undisclosed location, there is research being done to biologically manufacture the ideal predator.

Not just a single be-all-and-end-all predator, but multiple different predators. One superior creature for every conceivable scenario and setting. This is the project that a small group of bio-engineers is tasked with.

Daily life is demanding in the lab. Lots of secrets, confusing security clearances, and you rarely get a chance to even go outside, let alone contact friends and family. That's why your colleagues there quickly become your closest friends.

This small group of friends is slowly losing one of its members, however~ <3 Vicky seems to have stumbled upon a perfect DNA sequence way ahead of schedule. Normally, beating such odds is considered lucky, but for Vicky this is clearly not the case...

Like bacteria, her experiment multiplies at an uncontrollable rate, gushing forth in a slimy mess of worms, whose sole purpose is to ingest and digest living human prey. It's what Vicky, along with the rest of her team was working towards, after all.

Almost immediately upon her experiment's success, Vicky's head is engulfed in a warm, slick sleeve of flesh. She instinctively fights back, trying to slide it back off of her, to no avail. The worms' surface, inside an out, is unyieldingly slick. It effortlessly engulfs Vicky's upper body, together with her well-endowed chest. She desperately tries clawing and grabbing at it, making little more than pathetic squelches as her hand slips and slides across her own outlined bulge on the worm's body. Once its maw stretches past her waist, this finally pins her arms tightly to her sides.
Moments after, it manages to messily slide itself past her hips, then down her thighs. She has zero chance of escape at this point. Poor Vicky's done for.

She's been wrestled down and subdued, left to squirm and thrash ineffectually as she's being eaten. Her struggling only helps to further tire her out. She can't breathe. She's using the last of the oxygen in her lungs to fuel her pitiful wriggling and muffled cries for help.

Soon the worm will have completely swallowed her, whole and alive. Vicky will continue to fight and moan, stuffed deep inside her fleshy tomb, until she either runs out of air, or is digested down into a nutritious pulp...

However, this is just one hungry worm that's been fed. What of the other worms that continue to divide and multiply? Do they multiply indefinitely, or are they bound by the Hayflick Limit?
...Even if they are, it seems this division of scientists will share in Vicky's research and its "success" soon~...!

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This is a personal project that I've been fooling around with for a little while, and finally decided to slap together :D I think I could have done the proportions a lot better in the last panel if I worked with references, but overall I really like the way it turned out.

Let me know what you think! Has science gone too far?
Hope you like it~ (/^▽^)/
