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With most species of naga, there's at least a small chance that they won't eat you. The fuller they already are, the better your chances :) In Apophra's case however, getting eaten is an inevitable certainty~

To not eat on-sight takes great restraint on her part. Mercy is a concept she grants no meaningful thought. Any time spent in her company, while still outside of her body, is to be respectfully relished.

Pictured here, Apophra is messily strewn across her hoard of gold, safely nestled away in a place far from where most dare to explore. Her heap of coins and other assorted treasure, is adorned with the bones of meals past. Drunkenly draped across a throne to her supremacy and proportionate greed, her breasts provide ample cushioning, while the lump in her tail provides soft squirms and dull gurgles, perfect to peacefully sleep to <3

It had been St. Patrick's Day just recently, and Apophra allowed herself way too much to drink, even by her standards~ Two of her sillier friends thought it would be fun to try and "borrow" some of Apophra's treasure to fashion their own pots of gold :D

These two aren't exactly masterful thieves, and were swiftly caught in the act. In her agitated state, with the merry drink getting to her head, Apophra didn't need to think about it. She relaxedly let her predatory instinct do all the work, wolfing the two helpless boys down whole in a sleepy daze... and finally allowing herself to pass out atop her shining bed of precious metals \m/

Oh, and a real, little leprechaun-girl's slapping dat plump naga ass. You know, because she knows she can~ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

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This was drawn for a Patreon Raffle, won by the ever-lucky Solman :Db With every drawing, I gain a new appreciation for such an endearingly raunchy, dominant attitude in a naga pred. My description above doesn't necessarily reflect that of Apophra's canonical temperament, I just thought it fit well for this pic~

Hope you like it!

Apophra © Solman
Art © Me



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