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Iggy knew that he had a problem with spiders in his basement. At least, that was the logical conclusion for all the webs regularly getting strung across everything. He'd never seen any of the annoying little spiders that make the stuff, but they were definitely down there somewhere, crapping this silky mess everywhere.

Then one night, when the webs were strung particularly thick, a thought penetrated his mind unlike any other had done before. All other thought, irritation and worry faded away in the face of this realization.

... if he walked right into that twisted, mangled mess of webs, he might actually get stuck. For real.

For some reason unbeknownst to him, this single thought completely overpowered every other. This realization took hold, and Iggy could not possibly let this chance pass him by. It excited him more than he could ever describe. This was it. Without a second guess, Iggy was going for it.

In apprehensive glee, he slid the clothes off his body, and timidly placed his hands behind his back, arms straight down. Within a few steps forward into the tangled webs, they ran over and stuck to his body. Each little strand gently tugged at his skin as it latched on. The sensation of their silky smooth texture made his mind go fuzzy. His heart was beating in his throat.

Maybe it was already too late to save himself? Maybe he was already helplessly trapped. If Iggy wanted to back out of this, and change his mind, maybe he couldn't anymore. Only one way to make sure of that. Iggy started turning his body round and round, first one way, then the other. Every single degree of rotation invited another silky strand of web to gently embrace his sensitive, feminine skin.

Finally, Iggy could no longer turn his body under his own strength. His legs had been firmly pressed against one another. Any attempt to turn further just made his muscles quiver, before he'd give in to the webbing's unfaltering strength. Dangling in place, standing helplessly upright, he was just a pathetic little bundle of erect meat now, wrapped in a chaotic cocoon of soft, velvety web.

At this point, he was so excited his eyes could no longer focus. His mind was racing in ecstatic bliss, Any thought of how he could possibly save himself was lost amidst a cacophonous sense of frenzied arousal.

Soon, the first sharp pain shot up his body. He didn't pay it any mind, as he was still too happy, drowning himself in his own pleasure. The next jolt of pain followed not long after. It was accompanied by itchy tickling, as if light, dull needles caressed pressing onto his skin. It was the firm, wispy legs of a spider. No, more than one. The very same creatures that made these beautiful bonds of silk.

They had bit him.

He could feel the foreign fluid they injected. A cold, miniscule dose, coursing through his supple flesh... but he didn't care. In fact this is more wonderful than he could have hoped for. Being taken advantage of in this state was a dream-come-true to him.

Iggy wondered whether they would try eating him now? ... No, he hoped that they would. He really wanted them to <3 If he could still form intelligible words, he'd have been begging them to.


This is Iggy now, as you see him here. A pitiful, embarrassing hunk of pudgy boy-meat, humiliatingly strung up, with spiders salivating at the chance to taste his tender flesh. They've expertly bitten him in all the right places, many times over already. The tiniest of painful bites, repeatedly violated his erogenous zones.

The poison they inject will probably begin to digest poor Iggy from the inside out... Or will it just subdue him? In his docile state, do they intend to lay eggs in his mouth, his ass, or even his timid penis?

Not much is for sure at this point, other than the fact that poor Iggy is done for. His body will serve whatever purpose these merciless arachnids have in mind for him, and he will be completely powerless to stop it.

As willing prey, he's chosen his place in the food-chain. Iggy will face his tortuous fate in maddening euphoria.

Don't try to save him. He's exactly where he wants to be, and couldn't possibly be happier~... <3

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Hehe, this was fun little sketch I started before my latest Patreon stream, and then finished up after the stream's main drawings :3 I haven't drawn a boy in a compromising position for a while, and felt like it was appropriate to do so again!

I went with a new approach to my linework here. In this stream, I basically tried emulating how I'd draw on actual paper, with only a pencil at hand. It's my theory, that knowing I was drawing digitally, threw me off in my technique. When drawing on a computer, its easy for me to give in to my impulse, to make everything look needlessly neat and tidy. This is an impulse I've been fighting for a while now.

With this approach, I feel like I overcame much of this compulsion, and allowed only the linework to speak for itself.

I'll be playing around with this approach in future streams :3 Some decorative solid colors for certain areas should be appropriate in future drawings, but my goal is to make the linework deliver the majority of the image's impression.

How do you feel about it? Are you a fan of silly boys or girls getting webbed up in this fashion~? What would you prefer poor Iggy's fate to be at the hands of these delightful little things? >;Dc



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