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It's tough being a town's execution officer, especially thanks to the downright perverse proclivities of many criminals...

More often than not, there is a healthy supply of Meat-Girls and Meat-Boys in any given town. The thought of being impaled and/or cooked to become a savoury and satisfying slab of meat, seems to have a surprisingly irresistible allure. Humanoids of all shapes and sizes, across all the known realms, frequently succumb to the same deprived desire~ ❤

Despite this healthy supply of meats, it's always nice to have a surplus! That's where bandits, thieves and other assortments of criminal make themselves useful >:3 If you break the law of a given town, surprise! You have forfeited yourself as meat. Of course, only the harshest of crimes officially warrant such a punishment... it's just that so many criminals volunteer for it themselves, it seems silly to pass up free food :V

Pictured here is an example of a volunteer criminal, having offered themselves up as boy-meat that very day. Most provinces streamline their penal code so that willing meat doesn't involve much paperwork. You can be caught, tried, volunteer, and be roasted or cooked, all in the same afternoon!

As a bonus, most volunteer criminal meat gets to choose how they end up:

  • Cooking or Roasting?
  • Any impalement?
  • What kind of dish do you prefer being served up as?
  • Any preference for spices?
  • And finally, do you prefer execution before cooking?

This elf seems to have a thing for breath-play and asphyxiation, choosing an execution by hanging, prior to being roasted. As with every hanging, the criminal steps up upon a stool, beneath a noose. An execution officer on duty securely restrains them with rope, and the noose is slung around the criminal's head, down to the neck. The officer pulls it tighter, ensuring that it can no longer be shaken off.

The time comes. By now the condemned elf is begging for it. Makes sense for such a tasty, mischievous masochist. The officer kicks the stool out from under him, and the elf's heavy, plump body drops. He begins to suffocate, and almost immediately... his excitement is clear as day. His elven phallus becomes erect...

... This is the most awkward fact for the execution officers to deal with ❤

The gallows are by far the most popular form of execution, owing to the perplexingly erotic reaction they arouse in the condemned. As most criminals choke, the sensitivity in their erogenous zones sky-rockets. Their nipples harden, and the groin engorges...

As with every execution officer, they enact and witness all manner of erotic ends for criminals in their town. You can't exactly blame this officer for giving in to the elf's reaction~ (*ノдノ)

As a counter-measure to lapses in discipline, each executioner is fitted with mandatory chastity devices. Their own groin's freedom is a reward for carrying out their duty with restraint and dignity.

Sucking off a suffocating elf is not dignified! ...It's not illegal or anything, it's just... unbecoming, perhaps?

The supervising commander of their division certainly thinks so! Looks like these two will be wearing their cock-cages for a long time to come >:9

✿ ✿ ✿ ❤ ✿ ✿ ✿

This fun little idea seemed like a great way to practice a more sketchy approach to things :D While it took a little longer than I thought, I'm very happy with the result!

My aim of a proper sketch was missed however, owing to the rather neat presentation in the linework. But, I've taken note of where to improve next time. The pencil texture on the brush was definitely the right choice, but drawing on a pure white canvas was probably the crux here. This may have made me more careful with my brush strokes. Next time I'll try drawing on an earth-toned or paper-textured background. This should both encourage the correct mindset for sketching, and for that more traditional presentation I'm after :)

Hope you like it! ✿



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