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Generally speaking, the more lively your prey is, the more difficult it will be to digest them. (Un)Fortunately for Nessa, Hex Maniac might be the most enthusiastic prey there is!

Hex has a gift for extracting the most euphoria possible from almost any experience, especially lewd ones. What's more lewd than being stuffed inside the body of another girl?! Hex is not going to let Nessa rest. It's going to take HOURS to work this meal down, if not DAYS ❤

I bet some of that lovable mania gets padded onto Nessa's hips before she knows it~

✿ ✿ ✿ ❤ ✿ ✿ ✿

Last week's poll decided between Nessa being pred or prey, and prey won out by a small margin! Since that poll's stream and its drawing have been postponed to next weekend instead, I drew Nessa as a pred in the meantime! \( `ω´)/

I had fun drawing her this first time, and I'm sure it will be even more fun with the next one :D I got stuck trying to get her hair right at first, but it was simple enough to figure out and understand eventually~ I like her color palette!

Hex Maniac was a character I also enjoyed drawing before, and I thought they'd make a fun pair here c:

Hope you like it!




OH WOW Nessa and Hex, the absolute BEST combination! I absolutely love this so much <3 <3 <3 Fantastic work Maxi!


i'd lose to her on purpose to get that ~~pleasure~~ punishment