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Of all the places you can visit in the known world, none are as vast and undeniably dangerous as the deep blue sea. Dark, murky and teeming to the brim with hungry wildlife. An ocean of groaning bellies, all awaiting their next fill~...

"Uh oh, there are so many of them, and they're HUGE!"

Kelly was a novice diver, and definitely wasn't used to being surrounded by jellyfish! A cluster of them all around, and this was one of her first solo dives. She took a moment to observe them, how they were moving. Maybe she'd need to get back to her rowboat and play it safe?

"Oh, they're just floating around. Can they even notice me? Hah, they look easy to swim around...?" After a brief pause, she strengthened her resolve. "Ok, I'm going down. As long as I make my way around their icky dangly things, I'll be alright!"

A jellyfish on its own indeed doesn't pose much of a threat at all, but they tend to float together in sizable clusters instead. This is the key to how jellies "hunt".

"Ew ew ew, don't touch me~...!"

Kelly was skillfully evading the several first as she swam, giving the dangling tendrils a generously wide pass each time. However, the deeper she swam, the more difficult it became to notice a jelly in her peripheral vision. With them all around, a diver must consciously check all directions while swimming. This is difficult for a land-dwelling creature like her, who is used to having a horizon as reference. Failing this, you're bound to swim right into something without ever noticing it coming.

...  This is exactly what happened to her next ...

A big jellyfish was right above her, and Kelly couldn't see it through her googles' limited field of view. Just one tendril draped itself across her back, and Kelly's fate was essentially sealed. Hundreds of microscopic stingers ejaculated their toxin into her warm skin.

"F-Fuck! How did- I can't... what is...!?"

Without thinking, in reflex Kelly grabbed hold of the tendril to throw it off of herself. This only injected more toxin into her palm and fingers. It was beginning to paralyze her. In a panic, she twists and turns her hips and shoulders, kicking in a frantic attempt to free herself... but the sudden fluctuating pressure in the water only sucked the jelly's other tendrils closer. They gracefully lay themselves over Kelly's butt, breasts, thighs, feet and stomach. Almost all over her.

In a matter of seconds, Kelly realized she couldn't twist and kick anymore. As much as she strained to squirm her body, it wasn't moving. She could still breathe, see everything that was happening, but was utterly immobilized. She was floating helplessly along with the jellyfish, only being gently held in place by its gnarled tendrils.

"Oh fuck, oh no no no!" Kelly's mind was racing, realizing how helpless she was. "If I don't free myself from these things, I'm gonna drown out here!! My air tank won't last forever, fuck! What do I do...!?!"

After a few short moments, the jelly seems to twitch as if awakening. Its nervous system was reacting to the taste of Kelly's smooth skin. In slow rhythmic motions, each tendril shuffled back and forth, funneling Kelly's body up toward an eager maw.

"N-no, NO! You're kidding-!!"

It wasn't difficult to guess what was coming. This jellyfish wanted to eat her, whole and alive. Its puckering maw relaxed, opening itself to reveal the blue, squishy insides of the jelly's stomach. Wide-eyed and panicking, Kelly was staring right up at it, watching what was coming in horror.

Her face pressed against the side of the soft maw, and this made the jelly react. Its whole upper dome quickly expanded itself, creating a powerful suction effect. In only two such gulps, poor Kelly's whole body was sucked in, first up to her hips, then her legs, both limp, folding up neatly into place. She was now embarrassingly balled up within its gummy gut. Snugly wedged in place, and tightly cushioned from all sides by slick, squishy jelly-meat, the maw contracted again, puckering itself firmly closed around her.

This was it. Kelly had been eaten, and she knew it. Paralyzed, she couldn't even squirm. In desperation, she tried screaming for help, but let out little more than a flurry of bubbles, and a strained, muffled moan. Her skin started to tingle not long after.

"It's... it's going to digest me. I'm going to melt..."

She knew when to give in. It was hopeless. Even if she could move her body again, it's so tight that squirming wouldn't help one bit. Kelly was stuck floating away inside the jellyfish. Would anyone even find anything left of her? It didn't matter. All Kelly could do was relax and wait to turn into a sloshing, watery mess.

Remember: Respect the water and every pred that lurks beneath its shimmering surface, no matter how harmless it may seem. She's not the first to fall prey like this, and she certainly won't be the last~...

Don't end up like Kelly in a Jelly Belly (ò ٯó)

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Yep, that last part is the entire reason I named her "Kelly" (¬‿¬)

Drawn during a livestream, with the help of a Patreon poll \:D/ You can see the results of that poll here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/26288097

This was a fun project to mess around with, and a good exercise in transparency and depth.

Hope you like it, and lemme know what you think! ♡^▽^♡




You do the best stories man! I love your aquatic works in particular. REALLY looking forward to the next time you draw some kind of non-mermaid fish predator, or at best a continuation of that fish pic I mentioned in another recent comment (that one really makes me wish you took commissions, lol). Anyway, this is an excellent piece of art, your vore/cooking/asphyxiation works are never a let down! Thank you!


Thank you very much Arkanor! ( *´▽`*) Asphyxiation always goes well with underwater vore, and I like both a lot, so I'm sure to churn up something like this again ;D/