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This month was off to a fast-paced start for me, but now it's time for plot again! >:3

Next weekend will be the first livestream for the month, and Monday the 8th's poll will decide its content. Gonna upload that poll soonest ✿

Sundays will now be official days for uploading :D At least one thing should go up then, and  anything else completed over that week. I've loosely been using Sundays for uploading until now, but from this month it will be a concrete goal!

The highlight for April is most certainly the third week. That's when I have a WHOLE WEEK of leave booked  away from my day-job. Only once a year does such a long opportunity for solitude come around for me, and I intend to make the most of it ۹(ÒہÓ)۶ More on that later, and on any potential bonus streams in that period ❤

Stay safe and savoury 'till next time~ (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)




God I love how much personality you put in these calendars Maxi, enjoy that week off!

Random Guy

that calendar art is adorbs!