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Edit 2: Livestream for the 23rd is regrettably cancelled. South Africa's electrical outages have been rampant, but luckily our energy company's website is relatively accurate in its downtime schedule. There is an outage scheduled for two and a half hours right when the show's supposed to happen. I can still draw on my laptop, just without any internet, so I'll have things to upload for us again on Sunday as expected ✿

Edit 1: Today's livestream of the 16th is postponed to the 23rd. Sundays of the 17th, 24th and 31st will be days for at least one new upload. Polls happening on the 18th and 25th  ❤ 

The last few weeks have been tough, but luckily there's a national holiday period coming up here for about two weeks, which often helps alleviate things greatly. That's why two streams will follow one another on the 23rd and the 30th. Wanna get a neat bunch of things done in that time \:D/

✿ ✿ ✿ ❤ ✿ ✿ ✿

A new month, with a new and hopefully better way of approaching things! ✿
Here are two main goals I want to tackle:

  • Set goals for a given week.
  • More, regular visits to the Discord server! 

I missed my deadline for the last poll's sketch, and unfortunately it was a symptom of a greater issue I will tackle this month. I've been in a bad cycle of returning from work at the end of a given day, tired and stressed. There isn't much I can do about the nature of my day-job right now, but I believe that lack of a decided goal after work is what was most hindering.

Sincerely, all of your Patronage here is a tremendous privilege, and I let the responsibility that comes along with it overwhelm me in the last while.

Perhaps a form of Impostor Syndrome, but whatever the case, it can't be allowed to hamper drawing progress, or keep you in the dark of upcoming streams, uploads or developments. I haven't popped in to the Discord server for about two weeks now, and that certainly cannot continue either >_<

Gonna be taking this new, more focused approach for a spin this month C: I will be updating this calendar throughout as I decide what's being worked on when. Catch you guys again with more soon~! ✿ ✿ ✿




Hope things ease up for you soon Maxi! And one of these day's you'll finally be given the chance to draw Cybele XD


There's a discord??

Random Guy

<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/big-gurgly-to-23935706">https://www.patreon.com/posts/big-gurgly-to-23935706</a> though it's not very active