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The world of Echidna Wars DX is an especially perilous one. The whole world fell to an overwhelming invasion of monstergirls, an event contemptuously referred to as Echidna's violation.

Four brave heroines dared fight this terrifying, voracious menace. Despite their selfless determination, soon only Sachio the wolfgirl remained uneaten. The rest of her three friends had all been disgracefully gurgled to milky moosh, one by one. Sachio knew she needed help...

Three brave new fighters came to her aid. Two bunnygirls, Elle and Valisrea, and one head-strong elf joined Sachio on her next mission. Ahead of them lay three dangerous levels: Ryonazawa City, Forest of Bee Hive, and Nameless Mountain. Sachio and her original team didn't make it past the Queen Bee, deep in the second level's bee hive.

... this time, they didn't even get past the first drider~ ❤

Pictured here, is why you never take driders lightly. They are one of the MANY hungry monstergirls clamoring to stuff you inside their grumbling bellies. Driders are fast, agile, and their webs make for a crippling ranged attack. A drider's lasso of web is difficult to dodge, and if it snags you, it's pretty much over. You're going inside her whether you like it or not!

This drider has dragged all three of the girls back to her humble little cave shelter. No one will disturb them here. Poor Elle, one of the bunnygirls, is already stewing inside the drider's hot, squishy gut. She's left pinned helplessly in place, as slick juices slowly begin to work on her. At least she won't be left to melt alone. The struggling, defiant elf is going to join her soon~
The other two girls, Sachio and Valisrea, are hopelessly cocooned in webbing at the back of the drider's little cave, forced to watch as their friends are eaten and digested alive. They'll be kept aside for later, and they know it. They're going to share the same fate, it's only a matter of time...

Valisrea, the bunny-girl on the left isn't doing too well. Perhaps the drider bit her, and she's starting to feel her venom's effects? Or, is she getting off on the thought of eventually being swallowed whole? Hard to say. At least she's enjoying herself ❤ Sachio is cocooned next to her, and she's a tiny bit more worried about finally ending up like that!

Whatever these girls do, their nutritious bodies will either add some pudge to the drider's figure, or their remains will get to be one of the many strands of web that decorate the cave. Who knows, maybe the web they help produce will snag the next unsuspecting prey.

Always stay vigilant of driders! From the third difficulty-setting up, their attacks get way harder to predict~! 0w0;

✿ ✿ ✿ ❤ ✿ ✿ ✿

This was drawn as a YCH (Your Character Here) project for my Patrons. It's a LONG overdue stream drawing, which I'm very happy to have finally finished up \^o^/

The drider and the wolfgirl are based on characters from the game "Echidna Wars DX". If you've never played it, I HIGHLY recommend it :o

Hope you like it! >3<

"Evil Elf" © Tim Random
Valisrea © Seraphim Kitsune
Elle © Elle Adeline



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