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When someone invites you to "hang out" generally it's an invitation to spend time with the person inviting you. How to spend that time is entirely up to those involved. Most people would use this expression in its colloquial, figurative sense. Some people however, think it's way more fun in a more depraved, literal sense.

Iggy wasn't that kind of someone at first, but Natasha most definitely was~

In their day-to-day routines, Iggy and Natasha would often bump into one another, perhaps near their respective workplaces, at the mall or local gym. Over a short time their mutual fondness grew steadily, yet Iggy remained intimidated by Natasha. Her bodily proportions are generous and hard to ignore, but her overbearing confidence is what flustered him the most. Iggy is a true, submissive masochist at heart. Conversations with Natasha have this way of, ever so subtly, stirring up a lewd and shameless emotion in him. He grew worried that he might start giving off submissive signals without realizing it.

Iggy didn't need to worry. There was no way he could have hidden it. Natasha happens to be a true, and highly calibrated sadist. It took only their first encounter to smell blood in the water. Iggy's body language, facial expressions, the tone in his voice, even the nipple-piercings she could tell he had, all of it perked Natasha's senses right up. She needed to have him. Likewise, Iggy always reacted very positively to her for similar reasons, he just wasn't yet as certain why.

"It was good seeing you again, hun. Wanna hang out at my place tonight?"

Natasha's invitation was something both of them were really looking forward to for a while. Neither could concentrate on their work very well for the rest of the day, until the evening finally came. Iggy arrived at Natasha's home, and brought something they could share for dinner. Prior to any meal however, she sat both of them down on her sofa, carefully wrapped an arm around Iggy's shoulders... and plopped a noose down into his lap.

Iggy felt a chill running down his spine. Not one of fear, but perverse anticipation. It showed on his face. Natasha looked into his eyes with a confident and cheeky grin. She predicted this positive reaction. His eyes looked back into hers with adorable, apprehensive excitement.

Natasha leaned into him, her lips hovering next to his hear, and she whispered: "I wanna see your neck in this. I want to make you hang, make it hurt, make you mine, and you'll hold out as long as I want you to. Sound fun~? ❤"

Iggy's face flushed red. It took only a few short, heated moments for him to nod in submission. From here, their relationship grew to what it is now. One of ecstatic torture and agonizing bliss.

Pictured here is how the two of them most often spend their free time together. Natasha strings him up like the embarrassing slab of delicious boy-meat he is, and proceeds to tenderize him anew with a whip, cane or flogger. Iggy loves having his body decorated with fresh, stinging welts, and Natasha adores drinking in such a decadent sight. Once Iggy is in sufficient pain, she secures the noose around his neck, tightens it, and aggressively hoists him up.

Natasha makes him dangle for as long as she knows he can take, and makes sure it hurts enough to satisfy both of them. She adores watching him struggle and squirm, slowly choking helplessly. That pitiful expression of depraved dispair on his face never fails to make her tingle in all the best places. Iggy in turn, gets off on her treating him like this. The thought of her watching him make these embarrassing faces, seeing him wriggle and drool over himself, her hearing his shameless whimpers and grunts, it's all so intense. She can see how happy this makes his body. It's so humiliating. The noose hurts terribly, almost unbearably. It takes all of his strength to not give in to it. All of this drives him wild.

What's more, Iggy's stamina for peril keeps bettering as time goes on. Natasha is super proud of him for this, and lets him know it. This is why she continues to push him harder and harder, making him hang for slightly longer each time she playfully "executes" him. Soon they could start thinking of tying weights to his ankles, who knows~?

Theirs may not be a traditional relationship in almost any sense of the term, but they couldn't be happier with it. A pair of perverse peas in a pod. Here's Hoping poor Iggy makes it the full two minutes, and that they have loads of twisted fun in the process! ❤

✿ ✿ ✿ ❤ ✿ ✿ ✿

This was drawn as a little exercise toward sketching style. I have a fondness for the sense of peril in execution-style scenarios, and this example was one of the first that came to mind :0c

This drawing took a little longer to do than I wanted, despite aiming for a quicker sketching style. I feel I made a good attempt at "messier" linework, but I edged back toward a neater approach as things went on =w= A smaller brush-size, and lower opacity seems to help curb that impulse to make things overly neat, so I'll keep at it :D

Another thing I need to figure out is making more use of black, to fill in volume or depth. The next time I try this, I'll go for a textured brush, instead of the smooth standard one I went with here. Some texture should work better for filling in specific areas, without it looking too flat and "digital". Let's see! ^ o ^b

Hope you like it~!



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