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Hello everyone! :D I really hope you like my latest uploads. There's another one on the way soon! All that's left is for the commissioners to sign off on it, or for me to make some last-minute changes, and I'll get it uploaded :3

Other projects coming up:
- A 5-page plant-vore comic, that's been in the works for ages >,<;;;
- Shaded linework drawing for Chaotiquos
- Full-color drawing for TotallyRandom

These three are all commissions that I'm grinding to get done before the 15th of December. Past then, I'll probably be unable to draw anything lewd until after New Year's o3o; This is a little over two weeks absence in the holiday season.

Speaking of other projects, the last mermaid poll's drawing is already in the works, and I'm hoping to have it done this weekend! :D

As for streams, because of my tight schedule leading up to the holidays, I may fall short one or two shows. I really want to stream this weekend though, and might even do two sessions. I'm thinking of finishing the mermaid picture in one show, then working on a commission in another.

For the remaining stream rewards that are still due, I'm hoping to get some of them done before that deadline too, but I most likely won't be able to finish them all before the new year. More on this later as well.

That's about it! I need to plan a bit more for the streams, so I'll keep you guys updated with more soon c: Stay safe and savoury 'till then~!


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