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I've been working over the various directions that my Patreon can take from this point, how it can grow, and more importantly, how I can best give back value to my Patrons. After careful consideration, and taking account of your feedback from the better part of this year, I've decided on the changes laid out below:

1. The Patreon-request livestream drawings will be phased out, going forward.
As mentioned in a previous update, the current rewards list/queue will NOT become null because of this move. If you are currently a $5 Patron, you'll still receive your livestream drawing as per normal. The biggest change here is that unlike before, your name won't return to the bottom of the queue once you get your drawing, and new Patrons will no longer qualify for this reward.

2. Our regular Patron-request livestreams will be put on hold until January of next year.
I regret needing to make this decision the most, but gauging my day-job's schedule in the foreseeable future, and my remaining workload on unfinished drawings, this is the best move to ensure that everything gets done right, before the year's out. Next year, we'll resume our regular livestream schedule until the current queue is completed.
In these remaining three months, I want to focus my creative energy into finishing some long overdue commissions, and with time willing, even squeeze in some fun personal projects I've had on hold for ages. This segways into the next highlight.

3. My Patreon's emphasis will shift toward supporting more personally-inspired artwork.
It's important for me to clarify, that I'm not making these changes because I don't enjoy your requests in the livestreams. On the contrary, your deliciously lewd ideas have shaped my voracious horizon more than even I might fully realize.
At the same time, I feel my art's style and nuance was no longer evolving at a pace it should be.
I take drawing for someone else very seriously, because it's important that I do their vision justice. As a result, I'm prone to take the safe route, to hold off on experimenting, for fear of wasting too much time, and in the worst-case scenario, potentially delivering a finished product that disappoints.
This is why I want to focus on personal projects again, to allow better confidence in experimentation, and to simply evolve my skills more efficiently. As I work to achieve ever higher levels of refinement in style, proportions, lighting and color balance, you can safely expect more commission slots to open more regularly, as time goes on <3

4. You as a Patron still retain creative influence! :D
With a focus on personal projects, art-block will inevitably become a problem down the line. To stave off that slumbering beastie, and to have you guys weigh in on what's drawn, I'll be making liberal use of polls!
With most new drawings, or ahead of each livestream, a poll is set up with a laundry-list of specific elements or themes that I've been keen on drawing. From overall genres of vore like anal, oral, tail and cooking, more obscure elements can also be polled on, like glasses, ballet boots, shibari, asphyxiation, full-tour, ponytail, and so on. This, combined with the occasional YCH stream, should help maintain a fun and inclusive vibe to our voracious activities.

5. If you feel it's best, you will not offend me if you decide to withdraw as a Patron from hereon out.
I would certainly lament your departure, but it would bother me more if you feel the need to stay a Patron, only to avoid disappointing me.
A major change in policy like this, inevitably affects my audience, and impacts what you might have come to me for initially.
The livestream rewards were a core feature, and should you choose to withdraw, I sincerely hope to earn your support again in the future.
Most importantly, I always hope you simply continue to enjoy what I make regardless! ♥

IMPORTANT NOTE: As mentioned earlier, the regular Patreon request streams are on hold for the next three months, so if you choose to withdraw your monthly $5 until January 2018, your position in the queue will NOT be affected. The list will simply be kept as-is, until we fire up again next year. On that topic:

6. Livestreams will still be happening in the next three months!
The difference being, that their theme will instead be more random. I'm thinking of streaming the progress on any existing, or brand-new personal project that's influenced by the new polls =) I also REALLY wanna do a Halloween Special on the last weekend of October!

That's about it! I've updated the description of my Patreon's main page to reflect this change in direction. You can view it below:

There are also new pledge-tiers in place now. As of yet, they do not secure a specific reward in terms of drawings, however a more comprehensive reward system will follow in good time.

If you have a question or comment, please feel free to leave a thought down below, or you can still reach me via the regular channels: Patreon PM, Discord, or through my art accounts.

Stay safe and decadently delicious out there, you guys! >w</ I'll be in touch with more vore soon~!



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