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TL;DR: I've been away too damn long! D: Some Patreon-related news, and there's a stream this Saturday, at 16:00 GMT!

The last two weeks have been brutal. One of the people I work with in my day-job, serves a crucial purpose to our company. They went on leave and I needed to take over all of their duties, on top of my regular ones (I had the closest relevant qualifications). Long story short, each workday had me firing on all cylinders, all day every day, to keep from falling behind.
LUCKILY, that coworker is returning next week, which will relieve a lot of pressure.

I'm sorry this had me so withdrawn, you guys >.<; I fell into a pattern of going to bed early, and putting off correspondence until "tomorrow". Eventually it gets to a point where I've been quiet so long, I feel I need to make a return with something solid to show. I don't want to maintain radio-silence for this long again. It's a dumb pattern to end up in, and I owe it to you guys to keep you updated.

While I have been socially absent, I have made drawing progress! Albeit slowly. You can find a new WIP screenshot on the Discord channel, of that 10-year anniversary pic I've alluded to before :3
If you haven't joined the discord group, I've shared a link to it in the post above this one.
There's also a few other projects I've sporadically worked on in the meantime, but more on those later...!

Regarding my Patreon and the way it works, I've been considering an overhaul in terms of the rewards, in order to effectively accommodate my schedule in the foreseeable future. I have some workable ideas in mind, and more on those at a later time too.
IMPORTANT: No matter which direction I decide on for my Patreon, if you are currently in the $5 Tier, you will still get your reward. The active queue will not spontaneously become null.

Lastly, our next Patreon stream! That's set for tomorrow at the normal time of 16:00pm GMT. I'm still working on our last show's drawings, and I'll get them to you guys as soon as I can C:

That's about it from me, for now! ^o^/ Chat again soon!



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