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In a world of vore, full of hungry preds and prey alike, it's not just good manners to respect someone's personal space, but it's also crucial to your very survival o//3//o

This unspoken rule is best illustrated in a strip-club :3 More often than not, there's a similar policy of "look, but don't touch". When a performer is on the main stage, they are there as a pleasing, erotic display. Trying to interfere with a given stripper's routine, by stealing yourself a fondle or two, is simply rude to the dancer, and the rest of the audience. Therefore, such a selfish violation is deserving of sharp reprimand~ ♥

In this case, a male dancer was hard at work, putting on his best show to the patrons of this club. However, one of the patrons got a bit carried away...! She may have groped, stroked or even tried to eat him. After all, showing that much smooth, supple skin is enough to provoke any pred hungry enough to chance the hunt.

Whatever the case might have been, (un)fortunately for her, this violation meant a swift trip down inside a VERY tight, and well-toned tummy >//v//> It's probably not the first time someone's tried eating this hearty stripper-boy either. He knows how to handle himself.

Plus, all that dancing and perpetual arousal on his part, really burns those calories! Makes sense that he'd be one of the hungriest in the room at the time~

A minor inconvenience, but an overall win for our feminine dancer! Devouring that cheeky, plump bitch was a fantastic show to the rest of the club's patrons. What's more, he's scored an appetizing stomach bulge to show off for the rest of the night! :D Every twist, turn and seductive gyration, will swing his shameless gut around, while she gurgles away inside, squirming and desperately struggling, for all the audience to see.

Looks to be another great time at the club tonight~

----- ~ ♥ ~ -----

This drawing was for Radsinsman in in one of my Patreon streams ^ o ^b The character doesn't intentionally resemble any existing one. I just have a thing for long hair, pink hair, fishnet tights, and of course, bulges~ e//3//e;;;

I adore the idea of a pred stripper swallowing someone like this, then doing their dance, all the while kneading and working their meal down with each motion :3 I like to think the longer he dances, the rounder and sloshier his gut gets, until it looks like a sagging, grumbling water balloon >w<

A shame that I couldn't show off the cute penis I had in mind for him, but hopefully the belly helps make up for it ♥ You may recognize its design from an older drawing of mine~
Do let me know what you think!



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