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Hi everyone! First and foremost, I'm sorry that I've been away for so long again >A>

A combination of family obligations, day-job stress, and ending up sick (I assume with a cold/flu), simply left me more withdrawn than usual. This is something I want to manage properly going forward, and don't want to have repeat. Ideally I want to remain in contact with you guys like every few days, not weeks D:

While I may have been gone, I've at least been busy drawing! Among other things, our last stream's pics will be done soonest. I'm still polishing off the final one, and then they'll all be ready for release.

I've scheduled our next show for the coming weekend, instead of this one, because I'd like to use this new-found time to catch up on projects, namely commission work! o3o; Those are what I'm most looking forward to completing.

There's also a considerable backlog of messages and other correspondence on all my art accounts, that I'll be working through in the next few days. If you've left me a comment or PM, and I have yet to reply, I will still do so! >3<;

Fwew, that's all from me for now. I'm gunning to upload four new pics by the end of Sunday, which includes the three drawings from our last stream. Hopefully that fourth one will be a pleasant little surprise ;Db

'Till next time, stay safe and nutritious out there~! <3



Sounds good Maxi, take care!