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Good evening, Patrons!!

How are you all doing tonight? Let's do some updates!

I just wanted to let you know that I think I'm making headway with MMF!  They have told me that they are catching up with the patreon distributions (which is GREAT NEWS) and I was also told that they have done the patreon bonuses for Death Plague...so hopefully that is true!


I have uploaded all patreon rewards from May-October 2021. They told me to go back to May 2020 so I am currently working on that. Once that is done I will keep going until all of the patreon has been distributed through there so our long-term patrons will have their entire library on MMF!  Very cool, man!

(HELL (formerly known as Death Haven))

Those of you who are currently in the DEATH DEALER tier are about to have a pleasant surprise!  Now that DH has become HELL, you'll see a HUGE upgrade to your rewards. HELL has a huge offering of creatures and terrain! You'll be getting WAY more than you currently are receiving. **HELL WILL HAVE IT'S OWN LOYALTY REWARDS** You don't have to change a thing, you are all set. This is in effect for November so stay tuned!

Those of you who are pledging to this patreon AND the Death Haven patreon need to sign up for either the Death Dealer tier or sign up for the HELL Tribe on MMF. Either way will work.

Those of you who do not want to leave the Death Haven patreon to subscribe to HELL via MMF...for now I will leave it there and distribute HELL to you there. However, I cannot get you the loyalty rewards unless you either sign up on MMF or sign up in the Death Dealer tier.  Also, at some point we will probably replace the Death Haven patreon with a new patreon so I will need to wipe it clean. It's definitely in your best interest to bump into the Death Dealer tier or travel over to MMF so you accumulate those Loyalty Rewards and get your files all in one place!


In our Monster Miniatures Patreon we choose usually 3-5 models to write pdf's for. If you are in the tier for the creature with the pdf, you get it!  We don't sell these anywhere. You have to be a patron to get them. If you want to get ALL the pdf's you will need to be in the Giant Killer or Death Dealer Tiers. 

HELL has a pdf for each creature! So...if you join the Death Dealer Tier you will get ALL of HELL and every single pdf we make for Monster Miniatures patreon AND HELL Tribe....not to mention the huge amount of miniatures and terrain you'll now be getting!


As stated above, there are loyalty rewards for Monster Miniatures and HELL. As long as you are part of either (or both) you will accumulate them. We have already gone through an entire year of them for this patreon! Time flies! Make sure you get in on HELL from the beginning so you don't miss any!


Here on patreon we deliver on the 3rd of the month. That is on the suggestion of patreon because it can take a while to charge everyone. On MMF the distribution will presumably be on the 1st because I am guessing they will charge everyone on the 1st. It hasn't happened yet so I can't be certain...but that is what I am thinking. Not that it's super important but I like to be up-front about what we do and why we do it :)


In case you didn't know, you can upgrade to an annual membership here! This is nice for you because you don't have to worry about missing anything due to a dropped credit card payment. I recently had a patron who missed out on loyalty rewards and monthly rewards because he thought his card was being charged when it wasn't. Not only will you not have to think about paying, you'll save money! I believe it roughly comes out to a free month. You can sign up for annual payments under the billing section.


So, I know some of you are very confused about this and I will try to simplify it as much as I can.

1)  If you are a Printing Partner at the BASIC Tier you only have permission to print and sell models from the Monster Miniatures Patreon ONLY.

2)  If you are a Printing Partner at the ULTIMATE Tier you only have permission to print and sell models from the Monster Miniatures and DH Patreon, the HELL Tribe, and anything you own from our store categories (WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ANY KICKSTARTER MODELS).

3) If you are a Printing Partner at the KICKSTARTER PLUS Tier you have permission to print and sell models from the previous list AND anything you own from the Kickstarter categories on our store site.

4) If you are a Printing Partner at the GOLD Tier you have permission to print and sell anything that you own that we have on our website INCLUDING TERRAIN (Gothic City and Tilescape 1.0 and 2.0 Dungeons).

So, there will be a HELL Printing License on the Tribe. That is for people who only want to sell the Death Haven models, HELL models and nothing else. 

Those of you who are in the Printing Partners BASIC will need to upgrade to the ULTIMATE Tier if you wish to sell HELL since that is the minimum tier which includes the sale of that.

Those of you who are in the Printing Partners ULTIMATE Tier don't need to do ANYTHING. You will receive HELL the same way you received DH.

Many of you have wondered why we have so many different tiers and how we came up with our pricing.

We have a massive library of files on our website and patrons get 50% off of them everyday, all year. This makes stocking your store very affordable. We have a larger selection than you'll find anywhere and it grows QUICKLY and OFTEN. We usually have Kickstarters twice a year which drops hundreds of files into the store in addition to our monthly patreons which produce dozens of files each month. Although your selection keeps growing and growing, your Printing Partner fees never will.

The reason for the different tiers is that some people will never want to buy or print anything more than what they get on Patreon…which is fine. We don't think you should pay the same amount as someone who has access to print and sell the other stuff.

Some people will never print and sell terrain...which is fine! If you do, you are elite and have the potential to make serious income from it. We don't have many GOLD Printing Partners so you don't have a lot of competition!

ALL PRINTING PARTNERS are welcome to advertise in our Facebook Group. This is so great! We have people who ask us EVERY DAY where to find a Printing Partner and I always tell them to post in our Facebook group! 

Last but not least...THANK YOU. Thank you to each and every one of you who supports us. We know there's a lot of competition out there but we believe in our products and we believe in our cause (farm animal rescue). I know a lot of you do, too! We strive to make our patreons FUN, INTERACTIVE, and entertaining. We try our hardest to give you everything you ask for. We think it's worth the extra work to do the polls and request threads because ultimately, we want you to choose and get what you WANT. Even if your request doesn't make the poll we keep all of that in mind when we do Kickstarters and try to make as much as we can!

Thank you for your love and support. We aren't just a company or miniature factory. You can message me anytime and I absolutely will get back to you and do my best to help in you have a problem!


Michel Strack-Zimmermann

So am I correct, that if I want to get my files (I'm a Death Dealer) through MMF, will I have to cancel my subscription on Patreon and do my sbscription on MMF? Or don't I have to do anything and keep my subscription here and get both download options?


Those of you who are currently in the DEATH DEALER tier are about to have a pleasant surprise! Now that DH has become HELL, you'll see a HUGE upgrade to your rewards. HELL has a huge offering of creatures and terrain! You'll be getting WAY more than you currently are receiving. **HELL WILL HAVE IT'S OWN LOYALTY REWARDS** You don't have to change a thing, you are all set. This is in effect for November so stay tuned!

Mooseworks Plastic Soldiers

So I can keep my founders tier and join Hell on MMF and be good to go on the Hell stuff?