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Any preferred categories/core set preferences for Monster Miniatures III? Preferably monster types we havent covered already in the previous two MM KS?


Any preferences for a New Complete Theme? Keep in mind said theme should be able to utilize a 5e PDF, minis, buildings & terrain.


One theme could be the Upper Planes, so this would include any good-aligned celestials such as angels, archons, azatas and agatheons.

Obscurities in Miniature

I'd love to see a fantasy civilization taking influence from ancient China and Korea. You could have it bordering the Tusklands and have a reason for the Orcs to have all the siege equipment! Also good excuse to have some fancy pagodas, well defended garrisons (and a modular "great" wall), elaborately decorated palaces... fantasy folk in elegant robes, bulky armor... maybe an actual "dragon" emperor?


Is this for resin ? Cuz if so I thought we already had one and if for fdm I thought we voted on marsh stomp or something on fb because I want them all but for mini lll I’d love to see some owl bear Cubs some under dark stuff and some low level monsters we haven’t seen yet maybe even some more Dino/rhino folk just folks of different races


Sadly the marsh KS is postponed for now as we lost the artist that was going to sculpt that set.


Changed from tiles apes to complete theme as no one seems to be interested in tiles apes and I don't need a bunch of fantasy minis. I may be backing out of Patreon backing and just waiting for terrain to show up in the store if you ever go back to it.


I think a terrain Patreon would be sweet and have a bundle to go with theme of minis