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Let's find out what we will make for the Epic Monster Miniature Kit for September!  

We are going to try to put up some links where we can, but please remember the final models will not look exactly like the art that it is inspired from.  This is just to help give patrons an idea of what the general idea of these choices are.

Chaos Giant https://tinyurl.com/y52dq6df 

Evil Sea Queen (Ursla-inspired) https://dmdave.com/paeliyron-new-monster-for-fifth-edition/   (but with Octocopus lower half)

Kraken (Tromokratis-inspired) https://mtg.gamepedia.com/File:Tromokratis.jpg 

Metallic Wurm https://tinyurl.com/yykzez36 

Hullathoin (Pathfinder) https://tinyurl.com/y5724vgf     https://tinyurl.com/y3ro3gy6 



An Epic 3-way tie!!! never seen that before!


I know, i'm really surprised, usually one takes a significant lead right away. All 3 are really cool, and I'm okay with any of the 3 winning, but i'm excited to see how it plays out!

Cody Thompson

I'm curious what people want with a Kraken. How many times do folks you use Krakens?


When I look at the list, it is the most likely creature I would use for Dnd. I don't know if alot of people are like me but I almost excusively purchase mini's to play Dnd so if it doesn't have a stat block in that game system the design pretty much get's eliminated even if it's a cooler selection because I won't likely use it.... most of the time. Sometimes RPG makes a mini that i just have to homebrew a stat block for because it's that good.


If kraken would win, can you make some spare tentacles to go with him? So you could place miniature on one side of the ship and some tentacles across the other side. It would be super cool


Come on Tromo let's get it done! Need you for my Theros campaign!


Those krakens are in no way comparable. kraken is just used to denote a large underwater monster with some cephalopod like features. With that definition the Ursula monster could be called a kraken. Many aquatic epic scale figures could be labeled kraken.

Kristina B.

That Mermaid from this month really needs a fiendish sea goddess to beat up.....*cough*


We need that kraken, my party got killed by it and are looking for revenge


I like the Sea Queen if it stays pretty true the picture in the link, NOT the old lady Disney version.


Well. If Sea Queen Will have lower octopus part it'll still be cool if you'll make extra tentacles to put on other side of ship ;D

Kristina B.

LOL I was thinking the same thing. A whichever 'kraken' wins...it needs some extra tentacles

Kristina B.

The picture link was what more what I imagined both times I suggested it