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This contest is open to everyone. One entry per person.

1. Paint ANY Rocket Pig Games miniature.

2. Post the picture(s) of your mini on any social media network with a link to our FB Group: www.facebook.com/groups/rocketpiggames Even ask everyone to vote for you!

2. Submit the picture(s) again here in our group www.facebook.com/groups/rocketpiggames along with a link to where you posted previously by 3/24

We will post the images on our FB group page where members can vote in a POLL from 3/24-3/31

We will close the poll by 4/1 and the winners will get:

1st prize $50 (store credit)

2nd prize $20 (store credit)

3rd prize $10 (store credit)



Harlyn Nipp

What is the model pictured? I want to paint that... it looks incredible


It's our Spider Dragon which will be part of our Monster Miniatures II KICKSTARTER coming very soon!