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We have had this discussion and even a poll I believe, in the very beginnings of this Patreon.  Since it has now been a year since we have started, we would like to know what everyone thinks about the what miniatures you get and if they should stay as just random requests/voting or if we should have miniatures as themed sets.

Some patrons have even stated that they want us to decide instead of leaving the voting up to patrons.

Unless there is an overwhelming response to an alternate direction, things will stay as is with a theme month once or twice yearly.


Mooseworks Plastic Soldiers

I've stayed because I like your present model. You keep us informed, entertained and interactive with the community.


Thank you for allowing your subscribers the ability to be heard. Just remember, you can't please 100% of people 100% of the time. You seem to be doing a great job. Even if it ends up a little less than ideal for some, I hope everyone considers your level of craftsmanship and the ability to print supportless.


I say that 50/50 seems fair to me every month, with some theme returning from time to time. I like the idea of having some theme miniatures, but if i don't like the theme for that month it's always nice to have other minis :).


I love themed sets, though I suppose that is more risky in that for some it will be a total hit or miss depending on your needs. I am new, but I would also advocate for a constant mix of "common" or frequently needed designs. Orcs, skeletons, spiders, gobilns etc. Regardless, I love your designs and LOVE that they are support free.


We really do wish we can please 100% of all you all the time. We know we can't, but we just hope we can make this Patreon the best it can be.


I like variety, if its all theme and don't like the theme i'd opt out for that month until there's a theme I'm running or plan on running. What i'd like to see are contests...like painting contests. Simple prize like a free death dealer subsciption for a month.


I like themes, and I may be wrong, but wouldn't themed months also help you not need to do completely different minis together? I also think themes can be broad, for example: horde/goblinoids encompass a lot of different races (from goblins to bugbears), gnolls have a massive amount of variance including hyenas and demons...


I was disappointed from the randomness of the loot bag, I want themed warband material.


I love RPG and I like the variety of minis each month. The only thing I wish was that you all had a way (even if it was a separate Patreon or maybe an occasional kickstarter) to have playable characters and "non monster" types. It's crazy difficult to find regular supportless minis out there :( And that's hands down the #1 reason I'm a Patreon with you all. OH, and obviously your minis look great! Keep rockin' :)


I personally like the occasional themed months. Additionally, I'd love to see the occasional "Director's Cut;" especially if RPG uses that as an opportunity to make an interesting model (or a month's worth) that is not likely to get voted in.


Thank you for your continued support 😊 We are working on some of those things you mentioned!


50 / 50 would be great. On the one hand, small groups of similar types are useful for so many games (and fun for painters!). On the other hand, having a variety will best satisfy people's different desires. 50/50 is my vote.


Here is my 2 cents worth as a newer patreon. I think allowing RPG to pick would be just fine and probably easier for your company. Themed months would be awesome but not necessary every month. I would suggest quarterly themes and voting. I agree with Steven that your lvl of crafting and sculpting is top tier and i am down for what ever makes your jobs better and easier to provide us with these spectacular prints. As for themes it would be nice if we could get groups of some common monsters. Example of a few goblins with various weapons and also a boss type to go with. Then we (me) could setup whole sessions based off your months themes.


I like the idea of say doing a 50/50 every month.. What I mean is something a little more complicated.. You have a theme 4 times a year (each quarter is a new theme), then each month, 50% of the month is dedicated to that theme. The other 50% of the minis each month are random.. I like the idea having a theme but having all of that month as the same theme might not work for me right now.. Now I can see some folks not wanting 3 months of the same theme, so maybe only 2 months but I think 3 months gives a good selection and those who dont like the theme are still getting access to other stuff..


amazing work, this author works amazing projects, it would be amazing to see something of the scifi theme, I believe it would be absolutely divine. For a long time I've been waiting for something from you, would it be possible to create something? perhaps others would be interested in scifi miniatures


I don't care at all for themes, I'm more interested in a diversity of miniatures, but I don't mind themes sometimes (once/twice a year is good for me). I fully agree that you guys should pick the minis sometimes, based on what I've seen from your choices of what to include in your kickstarter, I trust your vision. EDIT: I think this should have been 2 separate polls, I picked that RPG should decide some months, but I also am ok with themed minis once/twice a year.


I’ve lots of single monster pieces, I’d rather have Themed so I get an instant gang. Mirror & stretch some, post-prep some with different weapons and positions and BOOM - your 8 themed models have become an army of different looking figures!


I like the idea of every other month being themed. That would strike a nice balance.


How about a poll/vote on how many people want variance in the bases?


The biggest problem i foresee with theme months is that there will be themes that not every patron will be able to make use of that month's theme and skip a month. I personally am okay with the idea of themed months. Having a variety of different goblin sculpts makes for a more appealing army for example, but at the same time late-game enemies will be of less use to early game players, amd vice versa, so in a themed month a good variety of enemies for various level ranges would be ideal IMO.


Personally I LOVED printing off last months miniatures because they were themes. Maybe you could do two smaller themes that are complementary every month. Pirates vs Ninjas. Dwarves vs Elves. Angels vs Devils. Etc.


I've been with RPG for some time now, Patreon and kickstarter. I've recently categorized all the models I've got into the standard D&D monster types. As a DM this helped greatly for pulling up a monster I'd need for an up coming game. It also showed me some of the holes in the for certain kinds of monsters you offer. For example I have a massive amount of undead and monstrosities, but very few elementals, fey or celestial. Targeting some of these holes or having monster type themed months would be great for your fans using these models in their games.


A public list mapping their figures to the monster manual would be amazing.


The problem with themed minis is if it doesn't fit your campaign, it can be a bit disappointing. Two months running and people might look elsewhere.


C'mon you "Every Monther's"! Join the Quarterly Crew! This gives everyone a win! It ups the Themed offerings and gives the folks wanting status quo a sense of stability. Really, I am desperate for themed offerings, but as others have pointed out, if the theme doesn't suit your needs, especially for months in a row, peeps will abandon Rocket Pig. Let's compromise! Join the Quarterly Crew!

George I Lemke

RPG had a sci-fi themed Patreon for a short time but they didn't get the interest required to keep doing it, for me it was just a bad time financially. They had some really good minis there and I was disappointed it went away so fast. Though RPGs Death Haven Patreon survived the cut, maybe you should check out the work there?


Four (4) themed sets per year and eight (8) randomized "normal" sets per year. Seems about perfect! More votes for the Quarterly Crew!!


Nearly 90% of people like the open themed minis that you guys do. It would seem the disagreement seems to be between how often. Ranging from 1 every 6 months, to every month. I would suggest therefore a new middle ground? Why not theme a season at a time? So for 3 months do the current spread of mini’s you normally do... but have a background theme, that 2 or 3 of the minis will conform to each month for that season? That way over the season people end up with 6-9 minis from that theme but also a whole host of non themed minis. That way everyone gets a taste of what they want? Just an idea of course.


Atieno, that is essentially the exact same as having one month a quarter/season themed. Each month there are around 9 minis in the Expeditionist Tier, which is the same amount you are suggesting.


I definitely like the quarterly option. I think with nearly 2/3rd of the patrons wanting quarterly or monthly themes doing quarterly is a good compromise and allows the custom people to still get "unique " stuff. I like the way this month played out and I think with as many minis we get with expeditionist having 3-4 be the theme monthly and the other half being random is the best f both we worlds. We kinda got that with this months release. Lots of clockwork and then some other unique things