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Apologies to anyone who is tired of our polls this month.  Its not usually like this 😉

It was a long month and wanted to post some interesting topics, so it wouldn't seem so boring in here until the requests and voting beings in another week or so.

So Im curious to see how important support-free minis are for you all.  

Are they an ONLY option for you?  

Do you still purchase other minis and add supports yourself?  

Is it not a big deal, as you auto-generate then if your using a resin printer?

(This Patreon will ALWAYS remain support-free)



It’s the main reason I support this patreon.


And please feel free to comment and discuss! 👍


Support free is why I back you guys. Supports on a mini printed with an FDM machine isn’t worth the hassle. Too many fine parts can be broken off when removing supports.


I'd like to add that I personally love then supports are added by the creators for small difficult areas!! (Easy to remove preferably) A great example of this is the horse you have available. It was sent both with and without pregenerate supports and it worked perfectly! I feel like this give an all around solution. We can get great models, easy to remove supports and the choice to add our own if using resin printers. I really do not mind removing supports that are easy to remove I still consider that "supportless)

Eric hendrickson

I appreciate the effort, but I’m getting really tired of all these lying-down-on-a-rock and resting-a-hand-on-something poses


I print on FDM, I largely supported because of the support-free, but I will for sure say that a cool model that is easily supported is worth manually adding for. But some models I just look at and think, "This will be an absolute nightmare to adequately support and to remove the supports later" and avoid like the plague. There's a happy medium which can be reached, but I'll always prefer multiple pieces that I can print unsupported to having to add supports.


For bigger models, I definitely prefer support free (especially on stuff too big to resin print). I'll add that I backed you guys when I only had an FDM because I was fed up with spending ages carefully removing supports or having supports fail and waste time and material. Now that I have a Resin printer, this is less important to me, but it was THE reason I initially backed, and I'm certain there are a lot who backed for the same reason.


Support-free models are 90% of why I support RPG.


I like not having to support minis... but I use a resin printer and I'm not too concerned about having to add them.


The higher cost of RPG for me versus others is directly tied to being support free. If not support free it would be tough to justify versus less costly options.


Agreed - I'm unwilling to go resin right now for all the obvious reasons so supportless is very important to me.


i like the of the support free minis just because i am not good at judging supports. however if that is something that has been hindering the artists i could understand having some models with supports.


I print FDM, and I backed you guys for the awesome support-free models. I'll add supports for models that are cool enough, but it often isn't worth the hassle. If you start making models that require supports, I'd prefer pre-added supports or at least keeping the areas that need supports small and easily accessible for removal. I'd prefer multi part models to models that require supports.

Terje Erwing Bjelkholm

I usually hollow my models before printing which saves resin but can often make a model require supports to print flawlessly even if it was support free to begin with. That being said I don't consider adding supports to be that much of a hassle. Auto-supports in PrusaSlicer plus some minor manual editing usually does the trick for me.


This Patreon will always be support-free btw . But that doesn't mean we don't have plans for a more resin-printer friendly one (that gives our artists more freedom and less limitations)! I think some of you will be very please with what's coming down the line this year.

Sir Ace

Support free models are really the only reason I prefer Rocket Pig models over anything else and the only reason I have merchant tier here.

Lisa Kellogg

The truth is that support free limits what can be done with a model the best poses ultimately require supports. Maybe you could provide a supported version if you decide to do models that require support but ultimately you are asking the wrong audience. many of the patreons that support you choose you because the like supported models. Their are other Patreons that have literally thousands of members that produce unsupported models. ask a group of more neutral minded potential backers.


“Support free” makes this a black and white question when its really a shade of grey question. I want “support friendly” models, rather than “support free”. If the model is easily oriented in such a way that support can be done without making a mess of the model during support removal then I am good. Overhanging fiddly bits or areas that require support between model and model as opposed to model and build plate are bigger problems than needing to support a fist or something.

David Q

While I do have an FDM printer, I have always used a resin printer for your models so I've always had to put a few supports here and there so it doesn't really change anything or bother me. However, I am really excited to see what you have in store next.

David Ross

I use FDM, so while support-free are great, I've got some good printer profiles that generate some fairly clean/easy to remove supports.


I use a resin printer so I'm always adding supports and don't mind it at all. It's one of the processes I enjoy. If you use the right settings on your supports they come off very easy in hot water. I'm a backer of 5 different patreons just because I want a variety of different styles from different artist. Your models are the only support free minis but I still use supports because well I don't like getting failed prints and wasting materials.


There are 1,000,000,000,000 other people/companies out there doing minis as well. I came here specifically because you do support-free minis.


I love the simplicity of the rpg models: I have more successfull prints, less work removing the supports and a nicer surface finish of the models. Also, it saves print time and material cost, especially for larger models. So yea, support free is the most important feature from the rpg models to me.


I like support free cause I'm newer to the hobby, but I'm learning and I enjoy different poses, so the odd supported model if it enhances the look. Maybe provide a supportless version and a bonus supported version for some models.


We love hearing that, thats why we do this. Its something that we believe was needed in this industry.


Support free is convenient but I dont mind models that have built in supports or recommended support settings. I print with resin a lot so that does its own thing.


I only print in resin and sub to loads of other patreons and spend half my life setting up supports. I'm here purely for the awesome support free models you release. I think 99% of the models get sliced and printed with no support needed on my printers and I love it!


Built it supports are extremely nice if it's not support free.


I came here because I like your models. Being support free is a nice perk but I don't mind adding supports as long as it's not ridiculous.


For terrain pieces I look for support free, but for minis I expect having to do supports, as I also expect mini models with a lot of texture, depth, detail, interest.


Can you explain your process? I've never quite gotten the hang of creating supports and cleaning them takes a lot of time, which really adds to the cost of the miniature.


At this point in time, I require support free models, I'd probably accept pre-supported models, but would need to test that first.


Support free is the biggest reason I decided to support the patreon, and the kickstarter. The cost vs non-support patreons is well worth it to me, since I currently cant print resin. The plus side is the fantastic minis (huge Lovecraftian).


I mostly print these in resin and end up supporting them to angle them anyway.


I just found an auto-support workflow that has changed my life (PrusaSlicer > Chitubox > PhotonValidator) but if I was answering this survey a month ago I would've voted "Support Free Only" I'm always impressed at how easy it is to drag RPG models onto the plate and be sure of a successful print


I'm a resin user and I think one of the main drawing points of this patreon is the high quality support free models. Manually placing supports can take a while, and it's nice to just drag and drop an RPG mini.


I have both resin and FDM, support a few patreons, already have enough models to support for resin, enjoy the simplicity of just placing your models on the printer and letting them do their thing


If you start to produce models that need support could you create a training video on how to make them. Maybe do a poll and see if a large percentage of the patrons use an ender printer and you could provide the models with supports for that printer.


Seconding this workflow, since I adopted it I've had 100% success rate on over 50 resin prints - it's magic!


I’m a resin user and I find I don’t need supports for most/all of your models. Definitely prefer the support free for ease of use and time saving. I’ve started limiting other models I buy due the the inconvenience of adding supports. (But I still do buy ones that require supports, just less than I used to. )


For this Patreon, I prefer support free. That's why I'm still a patron. I dropped some other ones because I was just stockpiling files I didn't have time to do supports for. I've worked out a better workflow now for doing supports, but I think it's a great to have a support free only option.


While I do appreciate your sculpting teams efforts i've had some rocketpig models that need manual supports even when sliced. I prefer that you keep slicing the models to avoid unnecessary supports


We are always here for questions and respond quickly to problems encountered during printing. Please join our Facebook page for tons of community support ♥️


Support free is absolutely not essential at all but the support free concept is why I've stayed a backer since the beginning even if I haven't printed any of them in months.


I don’t mind adding supports to models if it’s needed. I like working out how to make the models print and once you do it once, that’s it done. I will say however that I’m talking about the occasional external support here and there... which is what I have to do occasionally with models here when something has a weak point. I don’t mind that, as it’s some external supports, that can be easily removed and aren’t massive. I supported another Patreon which needed internal supports for mouths and gaps etc... it was a bloody nightmare. I also printed my heroforge mini and it took me 3 hours to remove all the supports and in that time I broke off his arm and his tail and had to glue them back on. I really wouldn’t want to make a habit of that kind of support removal as it’s just too much work. So for me, mostly support free, with some external easy to remove supports, is totally fine. More complicated internal supports, which take hours to remove is a great big nope. Basically if I need to get the pliers out... the supports have gone too far.


Bit of an option that I think was missed in the poll was for supports to be added by the creator, I would much prefer that option than never buy or add my own


Just to add The testing of the print can then be done at source for the best supports and shared with the customer


I have a FDM printer - I really like not having to think about supports. I have a lot of other sources of models if I want to support them. I subscribe to you guys specifically for supportless. Having said that, as long as your main thing is supportless, with the occasional model here and there for something really cool then I'd be ok with it. You could provide the model ready supported for both FDM & SLA printers. Another thing I have been thinking about is a lot of your models are so large and when you scale them back to the tabletop size they are actually meant to be, a lot of the small details don't work. There's no point making the model supportless if it doesn't work at the correct size. For example, your spined devil https://i.imgur.com/4NajyU7.png - the details come out fine at full size, but at its actual tabletop size, its terrible with FDM.


I would prefer Supportless minis, but for cool poses maybe you could add Supports inside the STL yourself, as fat dragon games does with his. He still promotes them as supportless as there is no need to add additional supports as the end user.


Would it lead to better scaling of minis in 28mm or 32mm scale? If so I could get behind it but if not then absolutely not. I already spend a lot of time scaling minis so that I dont have 15ft tall vampires but so that they also arent chubby looking either. Having to make them support free too would be too time consuming for me. I also have to admit that the draw to this kickstarter/patreon was "Support Free" I was personally very frustrated with the amount of time and failed prints I had from thingiverse and was willing to pay for support free. I realize the quality here is much higher but if I am going to have to do supports then I will be backing out unfortunately. Personally I feel a promise was made "support free"


I really dont care, but some models I would like an option of support free or add your own (Mr Hyde rocks for example).


We can't tell you how great it is to hear all of your opinions, suggestions! It is really helpful and interesting to hear what everyone of you has to say about these topics/polls! Thank you all so much 🙌

Michael Warren

As one of your merchants I love the support free. The main reason I stay is that the models are awesome, but being able to print them quickly and without supports helps with quick turn around for selling.


Glad to hear that Michael! I definitely see how that would be fast and efficient as a merchant😊 And thank you so much for your support!


Really great looking models that are also support free is my number one reason. There are a lot of awesome modelers in the printing community, but what keeps me here and paying the higher price is the convenience of no supports while still having a beautiful product.

Dallas Fitzgerald

I personally have a very quick and reliable workflow for supports, but that doesn't change the fact that I love being able to just drop some STLs into a slicer and go without much post-processing. I've test printed basically every STL file available to me this month and I'm so pleased with the results that I've recommended you far and wide for incredible, supportless minis. I think the Patreon should remain supportless, however a potential avenue for exploring more intricate posing might be doing themed Kickstarters that are advertised as wholly or partially requiring supports. It would allow you to keep offering great supportless minis here without changing things up too much while still giving you an avenue to do quarterly/bi-annual sets of cool sculpts that require supports that could then live alongside the supportless stuff in your webshop! Just a thought. :)


Would it be possible to start including more baseless models? FOr those working on Resin printers, some of the models become very difficult to print when you factor in suction as part of the process. For example, finding an orientation to print the Chitterworm has proven very difficult due to the size of the base/solid structure in the middle, but if the worm was available without the base as well, it may prove easier. Granted, I admit I am still new to resin printing, so maybe this is a me issue. Has there been any thought about this? I know some models have baseless versions already.