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Resin is the way to go. Nuff said.


Have an Elegoo Mars being delivered tomorrow. Can't wait to get it up and running.


Wife has lung damage. No resin printers for me.


I literally am purchasing Elegoo Mars right this minute.

Tyler Hurst

Where’s the “No, can’t afford one at the moment” option?


I use Form 2 printers at work and I'll probably be purchasing either a Prusa Sl1 or Peopoly Phenom sometime this year


I might buy one some day, but my FDM printers produce very close to the same quality as SLA and they're paid for.


Thinking of checking out the Mars Pro when it becomes available


Photon S here


My prusa mk3 puts out some fairly impressive minis with enough patience and a tiny Nozzle. Resin would be better but I have no space I could risk a spill, no space to isolate the print while in use, no desire to replace the screen every 6 months, and I appreciate the larger functional prints. A resin printer is a looooong way off for me if at all.

Noah Sager

No, it's not safe with young kids in a small apartment.


Have the Anycubic Photon and love it

Michael Warren

Rocking out a Anycubic Photon and and Epax X1.


Don't like the cleanup process. Will wait for better technologie. FDS OK for now.

Eric hendrickson

I’m eyeing a photon hard for this year


To messy.


I have the photon s and elegoo mars. :)

Rachit Modi

Photon S here. Resin printing is the future.


I only just got a filament printer, so I'm not sure if I need a resin yet. I was looking at the elegoo though if I decide to get one this year.


Nope... 3D printing is like a hobby for me and here where I live is really really hard to make a business of it (people see me as a moron who spend time/money with it) and resin printer in my eyes is more for those who print stuff for a income - one simple FDM printer is good enough for me... also I have very nosey kitty :D


My Ender 3 with a .3mm nozzle prints beautifully. I don't like what's involved with a resin printer. The fumes, the cleanup, the liquid....I'm a clutz!


will never buy a resin - they shouldn't be used in houses - far far too toxic


I like the simplicity and inexpensiveness of FDM printers, as many people report that resin has more costly consumables and finishing processes, and the printers cost more. However, I plan to eventually get one of the lower end models to play with, probably in the same price range as my Ender3 (Anycubic Photon, Elegoo Mars, Epax X1, etc.)


People way overhype the fumes for resin printers. Been using 1 for a few months now and easily the most overblown thing is the fumes and the cleanup. 2 paper towels and I'm reset for a print

Michael Warren

I think with the price of resin printers coming down and on par with FDM printers we will see a movement towards it. I use them because I’m a merchant here and want to provide the best for my customers.


Too expensive


New FormLabs 3 printers are looking mighty expensive but also easy to use for flawless prints. They’re also brand new so jury may still be out on them.

Jason Silver

Wont buy a resin printer, the material is to expensive, and if you dont print for a while it becomes garbage. Ill stick wit FDM.


No. Too expensive, and the toxic materials is not suitable where I currently live (apartment).

Kevin Walker

Epax X1 here. Concerned that the long term issues with micro particulates of resins liquid or some filaments so everything is in the garage shop to limit exposure to my family. May get the larger plate Epax sometime as I get more use to using breathing mask. Prusa’s SL1 is tempting has is it’s filtration system) and there may be a larger model coming that was hinted at but I forgot when/where I heard it. Still prefer to do terrain and some models with with FFF as I still have softness / bending issues with some prints from DLP even with bath and extra UV light for after print curing (may be the 10C temperatures lately in the shop even with longer curing rates added during printing).


Some of the modern resins aren't that bad. They're only really toxic if drink or inhale the liquid itself, and that applies to a lot of chemicals used in houses.


Ive got both an ender3 (which needs dialing in) and an elegoo mars which produces fantastic prints. The fumes are pretty much non existent, by far the smelliest is the ipa used for clean up. It's kept in two large Tupperware style pots in a tray underneath the printer so is relatively convenient. The only downside is the post curing as it comes out still in need of uv exposure. Those who are worried about the resin being toxic should be reassured that unless you handle it excessively without gloves or drink the damn stuff you should be ok. The fumes given off by melting filament smell worse in my opinion, though it does differ with each brand. If anyones thinking of getting a resin printer i highly recommend the elegoo mars, it's very affordable now, I think mine was £230 from Amazon, where as my ender3 was nearly 200. Its true however that the build volume is less, and that wieght for weight filament is cheaper but there are jobs that are suitable for each machine


Looking hard at aPrusa SL1, but I’m concerned about resin toxicity. Anycubic has a bio resin that might be the thing, but am waiting for reviews to make sure they can back up the hype. In the meantime might pick up a Prusa Mini to get my feet wet.


You seem to be missing a major option here. "No, will probably get one eventually but not this year"

Scott Chisholm

I have an Endere 3 Pro. Been using it less than a year and am still trying to figure it out. Resin printer? Maybe, someday.


Some resins can be pretty bad for fumes. One of the older water washable ones I used was quite noxious. But yeah, most of the modern ones aren't bad at all.


I do not have enough space for running another printer and I need the flexibility of the fdm for other purposes as well. Also, I like that I do not need much post processing with fdm at all and especially not toxic stuff.

Sir Ace

I have 10 resin printers running almost 24/7. Can’t beat the quality.


Just got mine. I've printed your minis on both FDM and Resin printers. They print great on both. (Ender 3 and Elegoo Mars)


The fumes are just too big a problem for us to deal with right now. Voted no and never.


I really want one, but with little kids constantly touching stuff, I am afraid of the resin toxicity.


I use both Resin (Anycubic) and FDM (Ender 3) and the Fume / Toxicity claims are *very* overblown. A few prints from my Ender3 + Ducting and the minimal stinkiness is piped out the window. Resin has lower hardware maintenance (fewer moving parts), less waste, higher quality, quicker prints, more consistent results and more resilience. Definitely more expensive than PLA, using the newest anubis as an example it's $0.23 FDM vs $0.35 Resin. If you can afford it owning both provides a lot of benefit, Resin for Small -> Large / some Huge Creatures and FDM for anything bigger. Just my 2 cents.


Not decided on brand yet


I was worried about this too...I've only used Elegoo Resins (Grey and Clear Blue) and neither have a harsh smell. I setup an exhaust in the room I use it in and the first few days I ran the exhaust...the rest I didn't. No fumes, only when you open the top to get the model out, but they dissipate really and quickly and haven't caused any irritation to me, my wife or my dog.

Barry Chapman

I bought my Ender3 Pro back in the spring and mainly wanted it for recreational printing of miniatures for my games. I can't see the cost and extra work, etc being worth it for recreational printing. If I was printing to sell, maybe, but not as long as it's just personal.


Probably elegoo Mars

David Ross

No room for a second printer and my Ender 3 Pro does a great job with everything I've printed so far (other than a few minor issues)


I run 9 resin printers full time. I've got 3 FDM machines but never got on with them!


I plan to buy an Epax X1.


Your stuff prints really well supportless on my Photon. The big Transform cannot handle your bigger miniatures though. The suction of the machine pulls them right off the build plate. I've tried the Armored Gargantuan a dozen times now with different settings and he gets pulled off at the same spot each time. Will keep testing and hopefully find a solution!


Just got it today. Brand new user. Still learning how to use my Mega S for the last couple of weeks.


Not sure on model.


Likely going to get an anycubic photon towards the end of the year.


Ummm, you are missing the option: No, but will buy one someday. I print on a Prusa, and get amazing results without resin and for a fraction of the cost, but someday I will for sure own a resin printer.


Yeah, you probably need another option: "No, but may get one in the future". Been eyeing the Elegoo. Hesitated due to the need for better ventilation where I print, and possible need for a "clean-up" station. Resin printing is just an inherently messier proposition and my hobby space isn't quite ready for that.


I'm likely going to pick up an Elegoo or possibly one of the new creality pri+nters once they get a bit more time to be reviewed


Cost and time of a resin printer. Plus live in a small apartment. Worried about fumes.


I hope to in the future, but it's not currently in my budget


I'd get whatever gets reviews as least as good as the photon but it has to be under $200.


I’ve got a Beam but I don’t have any place to use it. I stick w/ my Ender 3 for the simplicity.


I'm broke

Matt Brown

Bought an Anycubic Photon half price on an Amazon flash sale a couple of weeks ago. Still getting to grips with it.


This really needs an option for No, and not this year.

Will Hoff

My true vote would be No, But would like to someday. I like my FDM miniatures. I like support-less stl's. Wife was on the fence about the fdm printer. going to take a while to get a resin printer as well. Secondly, i don't print much terrain... Should of got a Resin printer to start but was told FDM was a good way to get started.


Space 3D

Sebastian Dzik

Nope, no way for me. I don't want that toxic crap close to my family.


Photon s


Photon and Photon S, planning on getting the Phenom by Peopoly soon

Dallas Fitzgerald

I have an Anycubic Photon S. Plan to add several more resin printers to my lineup, eventually adding a Phenom so I can print larger terrain pieces. Tried FDM a few years back, not a fan. I'm sure it's came a long way but I don't want to spend that much on something that frustrates me so much ever again. Resin is painless. :)


I don't because I don't have a lot of space in my apartment and I hear that they smell strongly.


I have a photon S


I don't have one right now and not planning to buy one, but I wouldn't say never... A resin printer just won't fit in my house properly. Hopefully they will evolve to be more house friendly then I just might get one :)


i want to buy one but i keep all the printers in my office and i dont want to deal with the smell


photon and photon s


Not sure about "never", but not ready to deal with the extra challenges and expense of resin yet.


by "no not ever" i mean no until i have a suitable area to house a resin printer. i can only just fit my cr-10 in my room. and i can leave that on the desk over my bed because it doesn't have any nasty chemicals that could spill everywhere.

Ron Purvis

Yes and I love mine :)


I *just* bought my FDM printer. I'm not ready to spend the money on a resin printer already; not to mention the lack of space for one and the wife's utter lack of tolerance of the smell.


"Yes, but..." technically. I have one, but it hasn't been running for months. I haven't had the time to do the necessary cleanup when a failure happens and the liner has resin cured on it. Supports are also far more complicated, and I haven't had the chance to learn them.


I have an Ender 3 Pro. I really really want an Anycubic Photon, but I have nowhere to put one, and I've got small children. So I'm not going to let those kids anywhere near those fumes, and I've got to be insanely paranoid about keeping them away from the chemicals in general. So I'm not getting a resin printer anytime in the foreseeable future.


Same. I can build an enclosure to dull the sound of a filament printer (wife hates that sound), but unless you have a workshop, you can't really keep that smell out of the house.


I spoke too soon! I was finally able to get a full print on the Transform last night. Printed the Armored Gargantuan at full scale in a single print and it looks beautiful!

Enrique Avalos

The fumes! It’s gross. I have small kids and with no regulation on the resin I don’t want to be exposed to it. Yeah it’s cool. But at a certain point it would go from hobby to something else. The nice to print FDM is simple and fun.


I voted no and never. I have never seen a resin print up close. I know its better detail, i wont argue that, but having gotten my ender 3 dialed in to print what i would dare call near resin quality, i dont want to boster with fumes cleanup, curing and expensive materials... yet. Some day when resin prices get lower and the post process gets less messy i might considder it.


No, but not necessarily never. As others have mentioned, the toxic nature of these printers is my main deterrent. Also, I'm interested to see how the technology evolves over the next year of so.


that's where i was, but then i eventually invested so much money in stl files i'm like "well now it doesn't make sense not to have one" (all my medium size or smaller creatures now go on my photon, large depends on the details and ender's for things like centaurs and elementals)


I got my Photon thinking I might sell if it didn't work out. I'm definitely spoiled now, my Ender is regulated to larger minis only. My Photon's printing better quality minis than I get from Reaper or WizKids and at least equal to HeroForge if not better. (And yes, I had my Ender very dialed in although I never tried a .2 nozzle because I was terrified of clogs.)


I'm planning to buy either an EPAX X1 or an Elegoo Mars.


with a good heatsink ventilation, you don't have to stress about clog. You can even replace it with a radial 5015 fan, some printable adapter exist on thingiverse. Since I put one on my tevo tornado, no more jam since a year, but I replaced the stock hotend with a e3d v6 clone. I added a second extruder (Mainly to printing water soluble filament fort support) and a Y joiner, each extruder are now BMG clone too

scott busbee

resin seems like too much of a pain with the fumes and the chemicals and the cost. and to be honest i have seen better stuff come off ender 3s then some resins

Cecil Solomon

Not entirely sure about resin. I've had some printed by a friend of mine and also at the local library. The miniatures always seemed to be very brittle. I'll need to learn a bit more about the resin printer before I make the splurge.


i plan to buy an elegoo mars!


Planning on buying an Epax X1


I'm happy with the quality on my ender 3.


Just bought an Elegoo Mars after 3+ years of FDM printing. I have 2 Raise3D printers (N2 and an N1 that i moved into a closet when I got the Mars) ... I'llbe getting a medium size resin printer in a few months. I know Elegoo is coming out with one, SainSmart just came out with one but I've heard MEH things about it so far, and then there's the Phrozen too