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Poll in post below




This is what we want to know what you all would like to see from us regarding a huge miniatures project coming next year.


The thicker arms/legs of "old school" are easier to print on FDM, so that's my vote.


I'm torn. I like the look of heroic scale minis better, but the old school minis are easier to print. It's a conundrum.


Heroic!!! Resin printing for minis all day!!! 🤩


This is exactly why Stout Hearted Heroes was made! It went to the extreme side but they print well on FDM!


Old school, easier to print and paint.


Heroic. Looks less stocky, and more proportional.

Sam Kay

I kind of think you need to decide whether you want to cater to resin or FDM. As resin gets cheaper, it will continue to get more popular, though FDM may still have numbers for now. I wouldn't be surprised if the split in your poll is really down the technology line. FDM is also getting better, I think, as the people using it learn more and perfect ways to get better prints. Resin meanwhile stands to take over as resin printers are getting more accessible price-wise and will continue to become more so. If you're looking toward the future, I think miniatures should be designed with resin in mind (and honestly, I would pull back on the support-free thing too--a person who can't figure out supports probably isn't going to stay in the hobby), while terrain can be designed to be FDM-friendly.

Mooseworks Plastic Soldiers

In one way it doesn't matter as one can always go in their slicer and thicken the model. I would say whichever is easier to design that will be support free.


Heroic please. Just bought a resin printer and having a blast with it.


Old school



Eric Griffith

Old School - less anorexic looking - looks like a person who can actually swing a sword and all that




Im in FDM. so Old School for me

Am Queue

I'm amused that you picked a highly detailed sexy-looking female for heroic, and a not-detailed female for old school. It looks like you want to make heroic. I agree with Eric - old school. Looks more like a person than a fashion model. It's also what I said before :D


Either way, just want to make sure we keep in mind that people come in a variety of shapes and sizes. I know that I want the option to play a character who isn't totally muscular or with a perfect physique. There really is a lacking of plump forms unless they're grotesquely bloated and usually a zombie or demon.


one of the first images that came up for 3d render for malifaux, the Heroforge was the first mini that came up at their website 😊

Am Queue

This - a lot of this. Wispy females make me crazy, and not all "thicker" people are older.

Noah Sager

To me, Rocket Pig is synonymous with support-free FDM prints. There's value in minis that print so easily. There are tons of others doing STLs for resin, but you're pretty much the only one doing support-free FDM.


Isn't it more of a scaling heroic 32mm vs 25mm


Old School. And remember that not everyone who swings a sword is young.



David Wilks

Both. It really depends on what kind of person you are going for. And is a case by case thing. Its all i the details




Old school, or maybe a mix of both


Old school


Both and more, please. We come in many shapes and sizes.


I'd say take the middle approach. You guys are designers. Artisan Guild manages it also very well, so should you - mix them :) Heroic otherwise.


What is best for FDM cause this is still bigger than SLA, and I have little sad Ender-3 xP.




Old School is more printer friendly for me and accepts imperfections better.


that heroic mini looks sweet! I would print that! Also heroic, definitely heroic.


Heroic for me


Heroic, as it looks more detailed




old school prints better and paints better

David Ross

Depends on the character they are portraying... if the minis are more likely to be townfolk/minor NPCs I don't mind the classic look. If they are heroes/villains/important NPCs, then the more detailed heroic minis are nice. Same goes with monster minis. Grunts, skeletons, trash mobs the more classic look, big baddies more detailed.


We prefer our Ender 3 over our Prusa mk3 for minis because the Ender 3 gives the best detail 👌

Ryan Thompson

Just want to state again that your models so far are amazing, and i’d love for you to continue with the direction you’ve been going. They print wonderfully in resin with the base flat on the build plate, support free, and they obviously print amazing FDM the same way. I’d say my advice would be to just keep that formula going and do a mix of both styles as you see fit :)

Sir Ace

I can't seem to see the Poll, am I missing it?


Might be a little bias in the figure choice there, since the "heroic" model is much more detailed and much more cheese-cakey (is that a word?). Which is to say, it is hard to compare the models on scale alone when these factors are present.


I think we came up with a great idea to make everyone happy!


Where I see where your coming from, we are hoping people are going by body proportions only. These are not our models, so the actual details and clothing are actually irrelevant, or at least should be.


Both proportions are great, multiple body types exist! But I don't like how overtly sexualized most female miniatures are in pop culture, sexy is totally fine once in awhile but it's super badass to see a chick in full plate/normal clothes being a hero too! (Or a villain huehue)


I’m late to the thread, but I prefer the old school style because it’s closer to the chibi style of a lot of my prints, which makes it easier for me edit and “chibify”.

Joe Kushner

Based on this, heroic portions. Mind you that's just because the Hero Forge bits are chunky without a lot of detail to them, even on cloaked and armored figures.

Robert Sakaluk

You've got the descriptions backwards. Chunky style is Heroic. Skiny minis with tiny unpaintable faces is closer to true proportions

Brandon Blewett

Old School Proportions are easier to paint.


I generally think of "heroic" scale as a buzzword for slightly oversized, as it was originally used to attract traditional 28mm wargamers to 32mm miniatures.


I definitely prefer more realistic proportions on the left to the chunky style on the right, which was a result of the limitations of white metal casting. A bit of extra thickness on limbs is still good, though; at true proportions things like wrists, ankles and necks tend to snap.

Brandon Mathis

Realistic/Heroic - and I prefer the classic 'Fantasy' art style like Heavy Metal




Heroic please


I see the question was for the proportions. Is there information on the scale that will be used