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The waters have proven to be nothing short of frighteningly dangerous, yet it remains as the only obstacle disrupting their escape. The few volunteers observe the dark depths before them, quiet, still, only blackness. They will have to feel their way around the rubble, as they will be completely blind below. The words of encouragement from the fishermen staying behind do little for their confidence, but ever so carefully they still lower themselves into the cold water.

Every passing second feels the same as an hour, an excruciating wait of tension. Hands make their way along the boat edges, met with the contact of rock and ruin, lifted and thrown down deeper into the abyss, until finally each boat surfaces from the lifted weight. The men above are just as tensed and quiet as those below, easing into relief and cheer only once the others reveal themselves above. Not willing to test their luck any further, they quickly move the boats out from the sea cave and ready them on the island coast. Gathered around, they take a moment of respite before heading out into the final stretch of sea, trying to steel themselves against whatever may be waiting unseen.

One by one they pile into the longboats, their numbers reduced to three men per vessel, now short on previous rowing power. As they make their way across the expanse, they realize just how close they are to the mainland, and attempt to push back their fears with hope. After a short while, they see they've made it nearly half way to land. Closer and closer. Then while all the water around them remains completely still aside from their rowing, out from nowhere, a giant breach of the water reveals an enormous shark. As the monster dives back down, so does a fisherman fall overboard, while his boat careens with the others within. They fight to keep the boat from flipping over and try to lift the man out of the water, while the second boat prepare their spears, unlatching them from the sides and taking aim. Again they sit there in quiet, waiting for another breach, the only sounds are that of the man struggling to get on-board. It takes a moment but one of them spot the approaching fin, slicing through the sea like a knife. A barrage of spears are let loose, yet none manage to strike. The drenched fisherman is swiftly pulled in and out of the way, just as the shark rises with a maw of endless teeth, tearing a sizable chunk off the rear of the longboat. Panic doubled, screams and frantic crashing of water, they rush the other boat without thinking. Realizing he's too late, the last aboard the sinking longboat hurls a spear into the side of the creature, right as he is enveloped by the monstrous jaws that bring him hurtling into the deep.

They collect themselves, seeing now they've taken on too much weight for one boat. Perhaps close enough to reach land before completely sinking, they could put all of their efforts into an escape, or make their stand here and attempt to finish off the shark before it finishes them.


-Row to land.

On borrowed time, the group decides to go all in on flight over fight. After their last friend was torn asunder and dragged away, they can take the risk of putting all efforts towards rowing to land, hoping the shark's brief delay might be enough to give them an opportunity of escape.

-Attack the gills.

A difficult shot, but the largest vulnerability. It only makes sense, they think to themselves. If they can manage to land a couple hits to the gills, it might be enough stun the creature. Although it will be difficult once it charges them head-on.

-Attack the eyes.

The smallest possible target on the shark, but they only need one spear to hit. If they can pull it off, a shot like this would not kill such a monster, rather it would force it to flee.

-Attack the nose.

It's nose is completely exposed, large and likely to be hit by the most amount of spears. Coordinated attacks continually hitting the largest target, commonly referred to as a way of warding off most sharks, but will it work against something like this?



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Results are in! Option 3 is the winner by a landslide! Thank you for voting! (Totals: Option 1: 8, Option 2: 6, Option 3: 20, Option4: 9)