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Use the code: JULYDOOM to get 40% off this weeks Weekly Set at www.rocketpiggames.com

exp. 7/25

No sharing...patrons only!




Wahoo were back!!


Patrons, please do NOT share this code with non-patrons. This is a perk for you because you support us. We appreciate you being here with us and this is a “thank you” for that. Non-members have to pay non-member prices.


These look super cool! What are they supposed to be though? My guesses are a demilich on the bottom left, an intellect devourer on the bottom right, and some kind of ooze on the top?


I don't get it.. Weekly sets are new models or discount on old models?

Grey 0815

New models releases first here in a set for a discount and later releases as single minis in the store.


I thought you would’ve been the first to buy it! Are you getting this pack? Let me know what you think!

scott busbee

kyle the brain is an elder brain, im guessing the skull could be a flaming skull or some kind of lich and the ooze could be some kind of massive ooze or jubilix or jubilix spawn