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I have a question. Is the 20 item loot bag a one time thing only for when people become a patreon for first time? I'm truly excited about the new set of minis and feel happy I helped Plague Doctor become a thing!


Wow, some incredible stuff in there

Raul Talmaciu

Hell yeah. Can't wait for the Phoenix and Quetzalcoatl.


Is it just me or does the shield construct look like a mech?


spectacular. I need a giant killer tier ... someone who leaves a free seat? ahahaah :D


I hope you guys are getting your ideas ready to post next Saturday for the next batch!


I love my South American baby! Thanks so much!


Chimera comes where?

Raul Talmaciu

I just grabbed one about an hour earlier haha. Have faith. It'll open up again


Just grad a monster hunter pack and i live in Canada. I hope this is not a issue ?


I'm in Canada and I can assure you, it's not a problem. Just remember you'll be paying the converted USD price. ;)


We have many international supporters! 🇦🇽🇦🇫🇦🇴🇦🇼🇦🇺🇨🇦🇨🇻🇧🇬🇧🇪🇨🇬🇨🇺🇩🇰🇬🇷🇮🇹🇯🇵🇹🇹🇾🇪


Well, looks like I've gotta go giant tier again. Cause holy crap they look amazing.


Its like the winged creature month!...unintentional theme?!


I never wanted the Quetzalcoatl. - I didn't vote for the Quetzalcoatl, but I have to say that I absolutely love the Quetzalcoatl. Thank you for not listening to me. LOL.


So do you send the Monster / Giant Killer tier separately? I'm a new patreon member so not sure how you deliver things. I got the loot bag and the 4 monsters via messages. They look awesome and cannot wait to print. Although I'm not sure how I should print the Griffon to be support free.

Grey 0815

Could you please provide seperate pics for each mini? Sorting STLs is getting problematic and I like to add a pic to each STL to see the content. It would be perfect if you could add the pics to the download archives....


Is the Quetzalcoatl available? Dont see it in my messages.