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Here is your next weekly set...Desert Sun! Some of you had an incorrect code. Today is the last day to use it so grab it before it’s gone!

Use code: DESERTSUN at checkout for 40% off


Thank you for being a patron!




Those are really nice models. Just bought the set. But the sizes are all off

Raul Talmaciu

And bought again! Still waiting for that Epic monster bundle someday... hopefully :)


FIX sizes and orientations. To manually fix them. Rotate them at -90 on the X-axis and resize them to: Rhinoman to 77.62 in height and the insectoid Warrior to 41.57 in height and your good to go.

Raul Talmaciu

Thanks for the info. Was just going to ask as re-downloading still has the old files


I love these miniatures, they remind me of dark sun creatures (as I believe was the intent). I would love to see more sculpts reminiscent of dark sun creatures. Is there anyway I can put in a suggestion for a future poll?


Sure, every month we have request posts and polls. Thiose are where we usually go for future weekly set ideas!


Damn you RPG... I keep buying stuff from you guys ! ;)


Odd, the store keeps giving me a Code is not valid error.


The Desert Fiend STL looks great, but the other two came out way too small and turned to the side (at least on my download).