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Stop teasing ussss. It's not nice. Carrot on a stick over here lol


What updates do you have for us? Release date? Anything. I'm dyin. (Insert Dave Chappelle crackhead meme)


We are still trying for April. Its going to be close though.


I would love to see some concepts, I'm thinking of running a very dark and game, one that children could not play and adults even get squirmish at the though of what these monsters do and where they come from. Very Lovecraft inspired stuff.


We are contemplating one page 5e entries with each model. And to also flesh out the universe and even supply "settlers" as classes PC minis. Though that might be for a DH Kickstarter in the near future.

Richard Gallerno (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-11 15:30:15 I'm totally on board if your new minis are anything like Kingdom Death sculpts. They are way better than anything brought out by companies that make D&D models. Much more details and I like the grimdarkness...
2019-04-12 00:02:07 I'm totally on board if your new minis are anything like Kingdom Death sculpts. They are way better than anything brought out by companies that make D&D models. Much more details and I like the grimdarkness...

I'm totally on board if your new minis are anything like Kingdom Death sculpts. They are way better than anything brought out by companies that make D&D models. Much more details and I like the grimdarkness...