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This will be in the store until 3/21 as a set. 

  • Bone Golem
  • Chain Golem
  • Clay Golem.

Because you are a patron of Rocket Pig Games, you will get a coupon code for an additional 40% off! 

We will do this as long as it's supported by our customers. Here's the code and the link to the store. It's a great deal! Enjoy!

After the week is over, they will be listed individually at retail price.


Paste this code in at checkout for 40% off:  WEEK1




Wait, I'm confused - so these are exclusives, non Patreon?


Bought it :)


Bit confused about this as well; seems like to get all models is going to cost ~$20 more a month, when most modeler Patreons seem to give most of the models they create as part of supporting the patreon.


We're just adding more minis to our store inventory and we're giving all patrons a 40% discoount on the bundle. Thats it.


There's nothing connected to Patreon aside from the discount. Everything is added and purchased directly to and from our store.


This also doesnt affect the Patreon in any way shape or form. Nor does it delay nor lessen any patron benefits. Just want to be clear as some people are confused.


Rocket Pig is definitely providing us a ton of minis. This is more for the people who want even more beyond the patreon level and are willing to pay for their extra work (rightly so).


Done and done, now I have to print these awesome models


We are trying to give our customers the widest selection of printable miniatures they could ever want! And we thought this was the best way to do it. Its really a win/win.


I've starting printing the Clay Golem. :)

Grey 0815

Thank you for the discount code. Instant buy.

Grey 0815

The model is fantastic, isn't it? Will likely be my next print, too.


Done and done.


bought - they look great

Richard Gallerno

Bought! Nice models. The chain and bone golems are particularly interesting because there are not many 3D prints of these available. I could see myself using the bone golem in many different ways - as a golem or some kind of "King of the Undead". I know these models will scare the crap out of my players! ; )

Richard Gallerno

The golems will be next on my print list. I'm still working on the full-sized Cthulhu! Hmmm... I might need to get another printer.


I was thinking the same thing for me as well, for the first time I have more items I want to print than I have time lol


If this is indicative of what is to come I will have a lot of minis to print. I am so glad to be a part of this patreon and my only regret is that I did not join sooner when the giant killer had cheaper spots


I like the clay golem, looks suitable for a stone golem as well based on paint scheme used, possibly scaling


I'm very surprised, that in the .rar-file there is a ChainGolem-gcode, but no STL-File for the based version. Is there a possibility to get the STL?