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Here he is! 

Support-free as always and a based and non-based version to boot!

We will send him out to all Monster Hunter and Giant Killer Tiers this afternoon!




Wicked. This will be great for my Diablo run.




....we love you. :) Seriously though, you all are great. We look forward to being here with you all for a very long time. We have two mid-range 3D printers already and our resin printer is slotted to arrive here an about a month or so (I hate back-orders). We are soooo ready to print these out and use them in our various games. We'll share pictures when we finally get them printed!

Kim Kristensen

Fantastic model. Looking forward to painting this one. Great work :)

Richard Gallerno

Very nice! I like the attention to detail on this sculpt. The scales have different textures and sizes on various body parts, making it seem much more realistic. The trident is interesting, too... I'm trying to imagine what kind of material it could be made of... Metal? Bone? Crystal? The top part appears almost fleshy, but that wouldn't make it a very dangerous weapon, would it? Hmmm... Patrons: How will you paint the trident on this model?


Who's printing the Pit Devil tonight!?


I want to but not enough filament left on the roll and dont want to change til its empty


Black Obsidian like his heart and devotion to the Demon Lord.


Greatings, I have a problem - i have attended to print this devil 2x times and had the same problem - it got crused on his lance (the waepon he is holding) - any ideas? This is the first time i have this problem. Perhaps any advice about print setting?


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