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We are thinking 3-4 minis in a set per week or two.  

They would NOT be part of any Patreon Tier and be completely optional.

The sets would be in our store for a limited time (after which they would be parted out for sale individually).

The sets would be discounted for patrons ONLY.  

We would keep pricing about the same as they are here, for standard sized minis.  

So no more than $2 per standard sized miniatures.

We would give patrons a coupon code, so a set of say 3 minis would be no more than say $6 for patrons. The discount codes would be posted here, so ONLY patrons would have access to them. 

No one is committed at all, and it is not a subscription.

100% optional store purchase.

All minis would be just like they are in this Patreon, Fantasy based and Support-Free.

Our goal is to increase our miniature selection at a more rapid pace.



I love what you have for minis now too but would kill to have them supportless. I ruin so many minis trying to clean supports lol.


Basically it is a non-issue if you dont want or need anymore minis. It wouldn't affect this Patreon at all. Its ONLY an opportunity for more printable miniatures of this quality. We just want to see if there's enough patrons that are interested to make it worth doing. We have our artists ready to go, just give us the word 😁


The other advantage of this is that we can actually get a lot of the requests made, that normally would either have to wait for another vote the following month or not ever get to it, because of the limited miniature count per month.


my curiosity is how all this plays out on your next mini kickstarter. I see my self owning 75%+ of the minis you might offer, but drooling over the stretch goals, lol


It wont affect any future KS at all, unless we run out of ideas, but I dont see that happening anytime soon 😊 Besides our KS are always theme based.

Leevi Jordan

Are the minis on the rocket pig site currently supportless? If not and this happens, could there be a special "supportless" banner applied to those minis in the store?


All the Epic minis dont require supports. What we will do then is move any minis that need manual support structure to a different category, most likely the Tilescape Dungeons catagory. And we will keep everything in the 3 Monster Miniatures categories Support-Free.


If it was no more than once every couple of weeks... sure. It doesn't seem like much but a few bucks here and there do add up.


Going individual really depends on what you put out. if for instance you did a set of 5 skeleton swordsmen sculpts. the set of 5 different sculpts is useful for tabletop skirmish games as a set., as well as to DM's in RPG (though most might prefer 5 different weapons, sword, pike, bow, xbow, mace for instance). If on the otherhand you did 3+ different golems; then breaking them out individually makes sence, most DM's dont deploy them in packs.


stylisticly i am under assumption your more inline with this patreon than the SHH


I love the idea. Always open to expand my collection. I hope all models have a full model version, if they are larger and require slicing for other people.


They will all come with a based version and a non-based version. Again the minis will be exactly like the ones in this Patreon.


I love the idea of getting access to more high quality minis

Wilbur Massie

I would be more apt to buy if they were just priced at $2 each, instead of having to buy a whole set of something I may only want one of.

Grey 0815

Yeah, sure, would most likely buy some of them, surely not all of them. Please make sure that you do not over-extend yourself.

Lisa Kellogg

To be honest I tend to treat things that are always available for a price like your stout hearted heros as future goals to be bought when needed so when I actually want to print it I will buy it. I don't buy things like that just to add to my collection like I do kickstarters and Patreons.


That’s totally understandable, Lisa. We are offering them to patrons at a discount if they buy the pack but they will be sold separately at retail, too.


What a bunch of addicts we all are... Count me in.

Keola Dacalio

More minis... great price... yes please


If the Poll gives us 100-150 votes and stays close to 90% we will give a weekly set a try.


Please do!! I'ma smack the 10% who said no.


Seeing how it is an optional purchase why would anyone say no 😆....yes please!!


I know no one will probably answer no often enough to give you a real count, but just a heads up, I have so many things to print, I won'


won't likely purchase extra. Though there are some epic sized miniatures that I may want to buy from the store, if I can ever afford it. Just didn't have the money for them in the kickstarter


I support this. Every 2 weeks would be great. Especially if it gets more models out there that aren't currently on the market.